C300 Mark II CFast compatible card list? - Page 2 at DVinfo.net
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Canon Cinema EOS Camera Systems
For all Canon Cinema EOS models: C700 / C300 Mk. II / C200 / C100 Mk II and EF / PL lenses.

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Old July 26th, 2018, 03:48 PM   #16
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Re: C300 Mark II CFast compatible card list?

I once again come back to this thread because Canon just doesn't publish any card testing for the C300m2. It would be great if they had a comprehensive list of cards that do - and do not - work with the Mark2, but that would make too much sense! It's a problem because one major manufacturer (Lexar) went out of business and there are many new CFast cards on the market since 2015.

I started out with these cards:
2x64GB Lexar 3400x
1x128GB Lexar 3400x
1x128GB Lexar 3500x

I've purchased a few cards this year... trying some out. I now have these cards:
1x128GB Sandisk 515MB/s
1x256GB Egodisk Elite Pro

I have shot all framerates and all resolutions and not had a problem with any of them. I specifically stressed the Lexar 128's and the EgoDisk by doing max resolution and data rates. Not a problem from any of them.

I had one shoot, in 2016, that was 4k and the camera froze. I chalk that up to the problem Canon fixed where two different cards in slots made the camera unhappy. I was able to pull the battery and my footage was repaired when I powered back up.

Last year, I had a 1080p shoot where I removed one of my cards from the camera, placed it in my Mac to check the files on the laptop. I browsed the files and their sizes, but improperly ejected the card... and I then could not read the files in full resolution. The camera didn't want it and the Mac only read thumbnails... although the card was still listing as full. That was an issue with improperly ejecting the card, I am 99% sure.

So, just more info for people to chew on. I am pretty happy with all the cards, and I am hoping that the overall price of all of the current options continues to decline (Sandisk, that means you...!).
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Old July 27th, 2018, 03:35 PM   #17
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Re: C300 Mark II CFast compatible card list?

I'm at 10 months using the EgoDisk 256GB cards with the C300 MKII sd well as shooting CRL on my C200, not a single problem, glitch and or bobble. I'm sold on them, I am up to about 150 hours shot with them. I see no reason now to buy expensive CFast cards, at least for Canon.
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