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Old May 21st, 2012, 02:35 PM   #1
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couple of questions about Mk.III Lens

I am new to DSLR Shooting, but wish to buy a 5D3, I will be using it for a wide variety of event, shoots etc.
What would be the perfect lens? I want to buy one good zoomlens, if possible IS USM Lens. What about audio? has it changed much to the 5D2? Or do I still have to go for the separate audio recorder?

David Slingerland is offline   Reply With Quote
Old May 21st, 2012, 03:01 PM   #2
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Re: couple of questions about Mk.III Lens

Hi David,

The lens that is packaged in the 5D Mk. III kit version, which is the 24-105mm f/4L IS USM, is probably the single best zoom lens you can get. If you buy it as the kit, you're saving several hundred dollars vs. buying this lens separately from the camera.

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Old May 21st, 2012, 03:17 PM   #3
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Re: couple of questions about Mk.III Lens

Thanks Chris, but I am looking for a little "faster" lens, as I wonder if that will be good enough for inside ocassions ?

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Old May 21st, 2012, 03:28 PM   #4
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Re: couple of questions about Mk.III Lens

There's only a few options for "faster" zooms. If you can swing it, my all time fav lens is the 70-200 f2.8L USM II. I also have the 24-70 f2.8L and 16-35 f2.8L
I understand the "want" for fast lenses indoors but keep in mind your DOF and the need to accurately focus. It is a PITA with a 3" DOF!

Here's a suggestion for the "real world"...
The mkIII has essentially erased the need to stay in the lower ISOs. You can shoot very clean video and stills at 3200 and useable at 6400! Add Neat video filter to your post process and the noise is gone!!

I have used the mkII and still have a 7D. The 5D is so much cleaner it's ridiculous!
Get the bundle with the 24-105 and Neat for $100 more and shoot away!
The older I get, the better I was!
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Old May 21st, 2012, 09:52 PM   #5
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Re: couple of questions about Mk.III Lens

I agree about the EF 24-105 f/4.0 L IS, which I own. I also owned the original EF 24-70 f/2.8 L zoom, but traded it in. While optically good, it was large and heavy. Because of the zoom design, it had a hood that could be used for a lamp shade in a living room. No kidding.

The new 24-70 f/2.8 L weighs less, and due to a different zoom design, has a mercifully smaller hood.

But.... It is not shipping yet, and will be quite pricey, and will not have IS.

Which gets us back to the EF 24-105 f/4.0 L IS, which is a very decent zoom. I agree with Chris.
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Old May 22nd, 2012, 11:47 AM   #6
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Re: couple of questions about Mk.III Lens

Keep in mind that f/4 might or might not meet your style needs.

I once shot an event with people and their pets with the EF 50/1.4. The following year, I brought the 24-105L. The group was visibly disappointed with the photos from the second year, due to the deeper focus. They weren't photographers. They didn't know DOF from SOL. But they recognized the difference between the romantic feel of the 50mm photos compared to the documentary feel of the zoom photos.

Yes, the 24-105L is a solid, useful lens. Add a fast 35mm or 50mm lens and it expands your artistic and nighttime range.

Another option if you want IS is to get the 100/2.8L IS Macro. That and the 35L are my core lenses. With the 100L, you get more light as well as close focus in a similar size/weight package.
Jon Fairhurst
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Old May 22nd, 2012, 01:00 PM   #7
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Re: couple of questions about Mk.III Lens

Originally Posted by David Slingerland View Post
I want to buy one good zoomlens, if possible IS USM Lens.
Sounds like he's not interested in primes, folks. David, I wouldn't worry about the f/4 on the 24-105L. When I purchased my 5D I was concerned that the DOF wouldn't be shallow enough, and that the lens wouldn't be fast enough. In reality neither has proven true. You can get shallow DOF (remember, it's a full-frame sensor) and the exceptional ISO performance of the 5Diii will be more than enough to deal with low-light situations. Also, 24-105 is a great all-around zoom range for a full-frame camera. Much more versatile than a 24-70 or 70-200 (both of which I love!).

Originally Posted by David Slingerland View Post
What about audio? has it changed much to the 5D2? Or do I still have to go for the separate audio recorder?
Audio control has improved. You can now monitor the signal on the viewfinder or your monitor. For my money, I record to a Tascam and run the signal from there to the camera. That way I have backup, but it's not necessary to do that. You can record direct to the camera if you like.
Josh Keffer
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Old May 22nd, 2012, 02:08 PM   #8
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Re: couple of questions about Mk.III Lens

Even if someone wants a zoom as a primary lens, I'd recommend at least a 50/1.8 for about $100 as an accessory.

Regarding shallow DOF, push the f/4 zoom close to the subject and it can get quite shallow - especially at 105mm. However, go wide enough or pull it back for a wide portrait, and the focus will be quite deep. Even if the zoom covers 90% of one's work, having a prime to help cover the remaining 10% makes a lot of sense.

I think there's a misconception about primes. Some think that with a fixed focal length collection, one has to own a big set and constantly change lenses. That's not my experience. In fact, I often go out to shoot photos with only a single prime. It forces me to look creatively for shots that I might not otherwise see.

For video, I generally use a wide (24 or 28), normal (35), and tele (85 or 100). I typically end up shooting 75% normal, 20% tele, and 5% wide. With a little planning, lens changes are minimized.

But even with zooms, if you want to go from an ultrawide to a long tele, you end up having to change lenses. I find that video is well covered by the 24-105 range, but photos are possibly not.

It's too bad that Canon doesn't offer the equivalent of the EF-S 17-55/2.8 IS for full frame. It's great that the updated 24-70 is smaller and lighter, but it's too bad that it's so expensive and doesn't offer IS.
Jon Fairhurst
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Old May 23rd, 2012, 04:51 AM   #9
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Re: couple of questions about Mk.III Lens

thanks everyone,
my main worries are because of my shooting style, I will be in and out of focus if the lens is not fast enough, but as I understand I can push the 5D3 rather far so I can shoot comfortable with lets say F4? I am used to videocamera's and I can shoot inside totally open and can correct when needed, but the DSLR works different don't they? And yes I will get a prime but as I am new to this I want to start with a zoomlens (just because I am used to working with zoomlenses) and get some hours of working with the setup, before I buy other lenses. But thanks for your suggestions !! Its a shame the autofocus does not work in videomode.

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Old May 23rd, 2012, 04:54 AM   #10
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Re: couple of questions about Mk.III Lens

"Audio control has improved. You can now monitor the signal on the viewfinder or your monitor. For my money, I record to a Tascam and run the signal from there to the camera. That way I have backup, but it's not necessary to do that. You can record DIRECT to the camera if you like. "
What setup should I then use? does that mean I have to use the beachtec adapter? As microfoons I use require xlr inputs. Or do you know some other application I can use?

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Old May 23rd, 2012, 11:16 AM   #11
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Re: couple of questions about Mk.III Lens

Though I've got and love the 24-105 f4L i've been eying the new Tamron 24-70 2.8 with IS - it'll sell for $1300.
Nashville TN using Canon 5D MK3, Canon 550D, RODE SVM mic, 70-200 f2.8L II IS, 24-105 f4L IS, 50 and 85 f/1.8, Vegas Pro 11, Zoom H4n, Blackbird, Lilliput Monitor, Lightroom
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Old May 24th, 2012, 07:23 AM   #12
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Re: couple of questions about Mk.III Lens

Jon makes good points. The EF 50 mm f/1.4 (which I have) is reasonably priced, so the OP could buy it as well as a zoom.

Regarding the EF 100 mm Macro f/2.8L IS ( which I also have), the other poster must have far better skills at focusing than I have.
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Old May 27th, 2012, 06:48 PM   #13
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Re: couple of questions about Mk.III Lens

Originally Posted by Jon Fairhurst View Post
Another option if you want IS is to get the 100/2.8L IS Macro. That and the 35L are my core lenses. With the 100L, you get more light as well as close focus in a similar size/weight package.
I just bought this exact same combination to add to my existing lenses. Actually, the 35mm f/1.4L was a wedding present, and will be used to with my 5D Mark III during my honeymoon! As the Canon rep at this year's NAB told me when I tried the lens, "Be careful with that lens... you'll never want to take it off your camera!" The 100mm f/2.8L IS (the new one) is also very, very nice. The original version was on my wish list for many years, but I finally bought the new version a month ago.
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Old May 27th, 2012, 09:40 PM   #14
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Re: couple of questions about Mk.III Lens

I just shot a reception with the 24-105 and mkIII and I can tell you it is awesome. I shot at f4 1/50 at 8000 ISO and it was clean and clear. It felt like shooting with the 50 1.4 but with about 8 ft more DOF and the ability to reframe... I am hooked. This camera is as much a revolution as the mkII was.
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Old May 27th, 2012, 10:32 PM   #15
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Re: couple of questions about Mk.III Lens

Originally Posted by Julian Frost View Post
"Be careful with that lens... you'll never want to take it off your camera!"
So true! I took my 5D2 to a restaurant to shoot photos of the family. I took a single lens: the 35L. The restaurant was *extremely* dark, and the 35L gave me just the right framing and allowed me to shoot without flash. In fact, the last few times I shot photos, the 35L was the only lens I brought. :)
Jon Fairhurst
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