FCP X and Hero2 workflow at DVinfo.net
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Old March 21st, 2013, 04:28 PM   #1
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FCP X and Hero2 workflow

I just started to experiment with the Hero2 as a pov in a long format multi cam project and was wondering what folks are using to import and combine the clips into one file.

I sent 8 clips through streamclip converting to ProRes422 and it took hours. Clipwrap doesn't handle these files so... any tricks I am missing?

Reed Gidez
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Old March 23rd, 2013, 01:00 AM   #2
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Re: FCP X and Hero2 workflow


Pull the card out of the GoPro.

Put it in a $10 USB card reader.

Hook that to your computer.

Launch FCP-X. Go to the Import screen.

If the card is intact with ALL the data recorded by the GoPro including the THM files (in other words DO NOT just copy the video files - the card structure needs to be intact)

Select the shots you want and click IMPORT.

FCP-X will load them nearly instantly - BUT - since the GoPro shots are heavily compressed H-264 - you'll be better off letting X transcode them to "Optimized Media."

That will transform the files into ProRes.

Then just go about your edit.

There is NO reason to waste time transcoding shots in another application with FCP-X - the program does a great job and is fast IF you have a fast computer.

(Somewhere on the front page is my article from a few months back where I shot a band with 14 camera - 8 of them GoPros and I used this to process all those shots.)
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Old March 24th, 2013, 08:45 PM   #3
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Re: FCP X and Hero2 workflow

Hi Bill

Nice article. Thanks for pointing it out to me. Will FCP X merge the multiple clips in to one clip for the edit, much the way ClipWrap does with m2t files? I was recording a long format program with the total length ending up being just over 90 minutes. Due to file limit sizes, the Hero recorded the program in multiple segments. I want all of these segments to appear as one file.

I'll set it to import tonight to see if I get one clip or many.

Reed Gidez
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Old March 24th, 2013, 09:45 PM   #4
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Re: FCP X and Hero2 workflow


When you create a multi-clip in X, the goal is typically to sync clips against each other to allow post switching. So X will import any broken clips to separate tracks - aligned against each other but it's trivial to sync them into one.
X takes some learning, but it's is really good at multi-cam.
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Old May 5th, 2013, 01:45 AM   #5
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Re: FCP X and Hero2 workflow

Just an update for those coming to this thread later.

If you use FCP-X's ability to assign ANGLE information to your clips prior to making mutti-clips then they'll come in with broken takes nicely positioned on the proper multiclip "tracks" in one step.

Just removes the process of manually aligning them after the fact.

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