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Old August 10th, 2005, 03:18 PM   #1
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JVC Pro HD with FCP / FCE

I am having some problems capturing footage from the jvc GY-HD-100 in to fcp5. The software will see my camera( i can control it) but not the footage, it remains black. So far I used hdv as capture but...
any ideas??/


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Old August 14th, 2005, 05:50 AM   #2
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According to the latest Larry Jordan newsletter, Apple have stated that FCP5 does not support 720p24, so that could be your problem.

Here is the relevant quote:

JVC GY-HD100U camera

There was some dialog recently on the Apple Trainer's forum about whether Final Cut supports the JVC GY-HD100U camera shooting HDV in 720p 24 frame mode. The word from Apple engineers is that FCP does not support this video format.

The HDV supported formats are: 1080i60, 1080i50 and 720p30.
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Old August 15th, 2005, 02:02 PM   #3
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As per the other thread on this board, the Apple discussion forums indicate that the JVC short GOP format is not directly supported in FCP5. A third party tool such as Lumiere HD must be used to capture 720p24 from the JVC camera.
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Old August 15th, 2005, 03:24 PM   #4
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Here's the other thread:


We should probably merge these...
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 04:38 PM   #5
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uncompressed .mov back to JVC HD1?

I used "DVHSCap" to capture footage into my Mac using the "Uncompressed 10bit FCP" option and imported the footage into FCP4.5HD. I then edited the footage into a small 31 second video for testing. I was able to export the video as a 10 bit uncompressed DVCPRO 720p video and I'd like to send this uncompressed video back to the HD1- problem is MpegStreamclip doesn't convert this into a transport stream- is their a way to send this 10-bit uncompresed video back to the HD1?

<< Here's the video compressed using Quicktime's H264 codec- half quality but full size resolution- I think the quality is superb considering it's 50% compressed: right click and save- don't play it inline in the browser:::
http://stevenunez.com/video/duckparksample2.mov >>
Steve Nunez-New York City

Last edited by Steve Nunez; August 22nd, 2005 at 05:40 PM.
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 09:15 PM   #6
MPS Digital Studios
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It needs to be native HDV--do you have iMovie HD? Though it's an intermediate codec and it doesn't look quite as good.



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Old September 15th, 2005, 04:04 PM   #7
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footage of the new JVC in to FCP5

I'm having the same difficulties with FCP and the GY-HD100U, not seeing video, but controlling the deck, etc. I can't seem to find out if Lumiere actually supports JVC's new camera or not. Their site doesn't show it as supported, but a previous forum comment indicated that Lumiere might. Anything definitive?

Cameron Ventura
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Old September 17th, 2005, 12:09 PM   #8
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As long as footage was shot in 30p and easy setup is set to HDV 720p30 you should be able to capture. Have you tried dumping your FCP preferences?

Also, if I may, is anybody using the BR-HD50 and having a problem recording back a sequence from FCP5 or just monitoring captured footage?
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Old September 19th, 2005, 12:08 AM   #9
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Well, there is the software that came with the camera, MPEG Edit Suite Pro LE. It offers limited functionality such as very few tracks of video and audio. Then there is the FULL VERSION which retails for $4800 and is for the PC. Not very economically viable.

Here is a review: http://videosystems.primediabusiness...ddi_mpeg_edit/

Here is the product overview (more options on left of page): http://avs.kddlabs.co.jp/mpeg/mpro12/indexe.html
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Old October 2nd, 2005, 02:12 PM   #10
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For those with JVC HD100 and FCP...

Hey all...(sorry for the cross post, but I thought I would put this in both the HDV and the Final Cut Posts)...I am wondering for those with the HD100 and Final Cut Pro...what have you found to be the best way...or settings to post with?

I tried digitizing with the HDV preset. It recognized the camera, but would not do a batch dig from a list...each clip would start digitize, but would stop due to some "stream" issue.

I did get a digitize from a "now", but it would stop after each clip...with an error, but it retained what was digitized up to the error which amounted to almost like a stop at scene change.

What I shot was all at HDV 720p/60 and or 30 frames...I am not even going to worry about 24frames until there is some major upgrade to FCP.

So I have the Kona2 and I/O LA...the footage looks spectacular in the FCP windows, but I am not finding anyway to get it output to my standard, ntsc monitor. I thought that the Kona software should let me have a downconverted preview to my monitor. How would I achieve this? Run the output of my Kona2 and Kbox into my I/O LA?

I am just really at a loss for getting this posted...I am getting what is fabulous footage...honestly exceeding my expectations with the HD100, but now how is it best posted from those who may have more experience with it?

If it makes a diff...I am currently trying to input from firewire from camera. Did not buy the deck yet.

Thanks all.
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Old October 3rd, 2005, 03:08 PM   #11
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Same HD100u Problem

Hello all, I got my HD100 about three weeks ago and LOVE it!!!
But am having huge problems and it sounds like others are as well in FCP5 when I capture now it will break up the clips around digtal start/stop points even when the option is unchecked, and then it will loose signal for around 5 seconds at which point it will start up agian on the new clip, now this is bad enough, but sometimes it does this in the middle of one clip no digital start or stop and even if I log the clip it will break at the same place. Even odder iMovie HD will capture everything great!!! I am on a Dual 2.5 G5 and am wondering if I need to get an AJA Kona card or something. Please help, this is my first time on this site but I am so frustrated.
Help me understand, I only want it to work, I have given up on 24p for the time being but I need 30p to work!!
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Old October 6th, 2005, 03:48 AM   #12
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Do any of you know when there will be an upgrade for HD100U users in FCP5? I know Lumeire is supposed to have an upgrade, but they've been saying that for a while now. Any news anyone??

Also, can I use Imovie HD to edit 24F footage from my HD100U?

I am getting my HD100U in a week or so and I can't wait until get started.

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Old October 21st, 2005, 02:11 PM   #13
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LumiereHD released a new beta a few days ago that supports the HD100.
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Old November 10th, 2005, 05:42 PM   #14
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Capturing JVC HD-100 timecode issues

Capturing using both Lumiere HD and DVHSCap 30p footage from the Hd-100. The correct timecode shows in both application's windows, however, when I view the demuxed file or the converted .mov, the timecode starts at 0 for each clip. Am I doing something wrong, or is this just how this works. I also notice breaks in the footage due to camera start/stop. I have noticed that streamclip sometimes doesn't like this.
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Old November 15th, 2005, 12:33 PM   #15
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Dave. This is the big annoyance right now with capturing this way. No matter what anyone else tells you, just remember that TIMECODE IS IMPORTANT!!!! I wish Lumiere would make it a priority.

However, it must be a tall order. Remember that the 60P timecode used for JVC's ProHD is very new. Up until now, most TC was either NTSC 30 DF, NDF or PAL. I believe that even 720P30 on the old JVC HD1 used 30 frame TC.
I'm surprised that the current beta of LumiereHD doesn't work either, but remember that LumiereHD and HDVxDV are both based on the DVHSCap SDK - and TC never worked with it.

I really hope this all gets worked out soon. Ideally Apple will release a new version of FCP at Macworld in January and we can go back to using Log & Capture the way we are used to.
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