Editing mp4 HD1 clips and watching result in 720p on HD ready plasma - Page 2 at DVinfo.net
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(MPG4) Sanyo Xacti (all models)
A compact 720p MPEG4 digital media camera recording to SD Card.

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Old June 28th, 2006, 05:01 PM   #16
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I use the included software to convert to UNcompressed AVI. You need much disc space, and it will not play back smoothly due to disc limitations. I then input this to Ulead MSP and output as HDV 720p. It is then possible to intercut HD1 with HDV from JVC HD10, as well as SD material. Besides computer, the HDV files can be played on the JVC SRDVD-100U, a DVHS deck, or authored to HD-DVD (on red laser disc) and played on the Toshiba player.

Sometime back, I saw a pgm to modify JPGs to play back in cameras. Each camera has it's own "thing", and must be specifically addressed. What we need is a wizard to make such a pgm for the HD1.
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Old June 28th, 2006, 05:24 PM   #17
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There many set top box players/media extenders that support WMVHD, Divx HD, and/or MPEG2-TS (HD 720p).

Just search google for 'wmvhd divx hd player'.

Here's a few:
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Old June 28th, 2006, 11:28 PM   #18
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Actually I have had fairly good success editing these files also using MoviePlue from Serif - it was a bit of a headache to get it to open the files but the software is fairly intuitive and I personally find it more straight forward than Vegas, particularly the in and out point setting... maybe because Im used to 1inch online editing setting my points in a story line the same way.. but none the less.. it does work. Vegas drives me nuts with having to use the "trimmer". Probably because Im missing something logical... Ha ha.


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Old July 1st, 2006, 03:26 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Rodney Tao
My guess is that the Sanyo's use similar MP4 encoding as Apple quicktime. I read somewhere if you record in low
For video, try MP4 file format, MPEG-4 Basic video format,
So you are saying, Sanyo HD, and Ipod normal, are using the basic format.
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Old July 1st, 2006, 10:29 AM   #20
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Thanks Bo,

Movieplus seems indeed quite interesting.Would you really recommend this editing soft for a beginner like me?
Do you confirm that you are able to edit your HD1 files straight into the application without converting anything and that output can be HD or DVD?
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Old July 1st, 2006, 03:18 PM   #21
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I too might be interested in MoviePlus. Is it possible to adjust audio level throughout each clip? Maybe pick points on the timeline and adjust audio level. I looked at their web site, and as I backed out of their purchase page, a window came up offering a 30% discount.

Not being able to try the pgm, I might see if I could get pdf manual.
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Old July 2nd, 2006, 07:16 AM   #22
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Hi David,

You'll find the manual here: http://www.serif.com/community/productmanuals.asp
Can you get the product at less than 59.99 GBP? I don't remember any 30% discount.


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Old July 3rd, 2006, 09:57 AM   #23
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Just noticed your location. In the army in 1958, I was stationed at a transmitter site in France. I spent a three day pass visiting the 1958 Brussels Worlds Fair. I remember seeing color television for the first time, and seeing the atomium, which I understand is still there.

Thanks for the manual link! As a result, I decided to buy. In the U.S., if you back out of the store screen, a window pops up offering a 30% discount. My price was about $55 US. If you just go ahead and buy, you'll miss the discount!
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Old July 3rd, 2006, 02:26 PM   #24
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David, Eric,

I have edited HD1 video straight with it... BUT... and a HUGE BUT... I had a headache installing the right codexes for movieplus to do this.. and honestly after I rebuild my laptop I have not re-instealled those yet.. right now I use Vegas for full size and Movie plus for VGA. But YES I did edit straight out of the camera HD1 files with movieplus, you need to install the codex package movieplus techsupport recomend though.

Yes I believe you can keyframe the audio level to change level at particular points in the output.


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Old July 3rd, 2006, 03:44 PM   #25
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Yes, the atomium is still there. Very recently, it has been completely renewed with brand new aluminium plates... it looks again like in 1958.
Btw, I am unable to get any discount or pop-up window on Serif.com
Can you give me some more details about the procedure to be followed?
Was your order submitted to Digital River?



Last edited by Erick Hanoteau; July 4th, 2006 at 04:45 AM.
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Old July 5th, 2006, 12:37 PM   #26
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Yeah, it went to digital river. They probably have a different policy for different locatioins. To verify - just act like you're going to buy, then back out before giving your name and credit card.
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Old July 13th, 2006, 01:35 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Bo Lorentzen
I have edited HD1 video straight.....
right now I use Vegas for full size and Movie plus for VGA. But YES I did edit straight out of the camera HD1 files with movieplus, you need to install the codex package movieplus techsupport recomend though.
Can you help me because I don't find my way with Vegas.
The preview window is working at a rate of not more than 3 to 4 frames per second....is this normal?
I would like to experiment with Vegas but I have heard on another french forum that I can't expect real time edition with MP4 files.
How do you do than? Do you convert first your files in some avi format prior editing?

And what about Movie plus capabilities?

Thanks a lot

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Old July 14th, 2006, 03:20 PM   #28
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I have had some time to play with MoviePlus. and I am positive about most things. While I have not been able to input the MP4 files from the HD1, I have used VLC media player to convert them to .MOV files (one of the choices for streaming output). This process is VERY quick, and the files then play nicely in the QuickTime player.

The only output option that retains HD is WMV. You have some latitude in quality options, and it can look quite good, and have a number of playback options.

Capturing HDV from JVC HD10 does not work. In fact, it screwed up the drivers for my other capturing options. I can use files captured other ways though.

They really need an HDV output compatable with JVC though!
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Old August 8th, 2006, 12:05 AM   #29
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I know its been awhile since the last posting, but if anyone is still interested in this thread, try Ulead's Video Studio 10 Plus. The Plus version not only supports Sanyo's MP4 HD imports, but it edits the clips with transitions that even include 3D and exports them to either MPEG 2 HD for burning to HDDVD or WMV HD. I've used it and the exports look great. You might get a little background artifacting if you add "anti-shake" to one of your clips, but it's barely noticable. For $100, it's a pretty good product. As for the HDDVD burner, don't have one yet. For now, I'm just archiveing the finished MPEG 2 HD File to a data DVD. Then, when I can afford one, I'll transfer the file back to the hard drive for authoring and burning. Of course, I can also look at it on my computer's HD monitor using VLC player for now, playing off the hard drive.
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Old August 8th, 2006, 06:08 AM   #30
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Thanks a lot Philip.

Interesting, your approach is certainely worth to be retained and I will consider VS10+ as an option. TKS!

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