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(MPG4) Sanyo Xacti (all models)
A compact 720p MPEG4 digital media camera recording to SD Card.

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Old February 17th, 2007, 08:39 AM   #16
New Boot
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Thanks for the compliment. To bad the cameras aren't worth a whole lot anymore. It's a fun little camera but after watching some of the clips from the new Canon's, Sony's etc.. I going to buy something a little more serious. Some of that stuff is amazing. I'll use the Sanyo at work (I own a used car lot and collision repair shop and love taking things apart). Now I'm thinking that the iris motor may have type of lube in it that leaks out and drips down.
If that's the case the problem could return (but we can fix it now) unless what leaked out was all that was going to. Or perhaps a hard bump forced it out or maybe high heat environment makes it leak. That's just a guess, I don't even know if the motor has lube in it. Maybe all the problem cameras were assembled by the same person right after lunch and they had greasy fingers! I will be looking for some cheap hd1's but I think now that the fix is known I may have some competition on the auction sites. Oh well, competition is good and might keep the price from falling to fast.
Mark Baculy is offline  
Old February 18th, 2007, 09:54 AM   #17
Inner Circle
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Originally Posted by Lynne Whelden
Too bad the word can't get out that you're able to fix it. But in any case, way to go! Looks like you'll be able to start a little business on the side selling refurbished HD1s.
Actually, we might be able to, just post an link to the older black screen threads and tell them to tell other people, maybe they will still be registered to the threads.
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Old March 2nd, 2007, 07:42 PM   #18
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Is this also a problem with the HD1a cameras, or just the HD1?
- John
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Old March 4th, 2007, 07:59 AM   #19
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By the looks of it, just the HD1s
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Old April 5th, 2007, 10:21 AM   #20
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i want to sell my "black screen problem" HD1ex

I'm new to this forum but....any takers for my black screen problem HD1ex i sent it off for repair to lehrmans, they were going to charge £195, i'm not technically minded enough to fix it so if anyone wants to buy it please let me know,


Bruce Phillips is offline  
Old April 5th, 2007, 09:46 PM   #21
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HD1 black screen iris cleaning instructions needed


Thank you for the great instructions on taking apart the Xacti HD1! I followed them step-by-step and I got the lens assembly free. In your posting of February 16th, 2007 you wrote: “Let me know when you get the lens out and I'll help you with the rest.” Can you describe the next steps?

Thank you!

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Old June 15th, 2007, 12:05 PM   #22
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Hi Mark, thank-you for the awesome instructions!
My 13-month old HD1 just black-screened and your help has provided much hope.

Unfortunately, I'm not a read the whole instructions before starting kind of guy, and now I have the lens assembly removed from the camera and am not sure where to go from here to clean the oil. Is there any chance you could extend your instructions on how to do this?

William Brown is offline  
Old June 17th, 2007, 11:39 AM   #23
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Hi Abe, William

I'm new here but it looks you are left out cold?, I have played with the Sanyo C1 for a while and used a spare parts camera to figure out the Black Screen problem with the HD1.
First and this is very important if you do not have prior experience tinkering with some old cameras or have watch repair experience and tools DO NOT play with the HD1, you will only ruin a perfectly good camera (I have ruined a couple cameras myself a Toshiba & a Minolta).
I believe the problem is not with the camera design and resides in a Iris lubricant that Sanyo used on that model, hence when you send it to Sanyo for repair they will replace the entire lens assembly (and probably has the same bad lub.) only to fail later on.
The way I repair them is by removing the lens assembly, then you have to remove the zoom/focus/filter/iris assm. (under the tape) then disassemble the iris, clean the sticky lube from the blades (I use little graphite on the blades for lub).
After I assemble the iris I test it with a worn out AAA bat. (1.5V) touching the contacts of the iris motor, if it works it's OK
Hope this helps some of you guys and it doesn't help ruin some Great Sanyo HD1 Cameras.

Good Luck
Manuel Ramirez is offline  
Old June 18th, 2007, 12:01 AM   #24
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Hi Manuel,
Thanks for the suggestions. I was able to remove the bottom half of the lens assembly by removing the 2 screws on the side of the barrel. That enabled me to slide the iris open using a paper clip (no watch repair tools or experience here). This fixes the black screen problem temporarily, but the iris seems to get stuck again if I leave the camera off for an extended period of time. This is in line with what Mark and you are suggesting - the problem is with the iris lubrication.
I now need to find a way to disassemble the iris and clean off the blades. Could you please write a step-by-step instruction on how to do this? I'm guessing that you start by removing the tape...(I can't seem to find a way to disassemble the iris through removing the bottom cover of the barrel.
Also, what did you use to clean the blades before using the graphite lube?

William Brown is offline  
Old June 18th, 2007, 08:47 AM   #25
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Hi William,
The "zoom/focus/filter/iris assm." is joined by a plastic circuit and it has 2 motors w/long screws, 2 sensors the Iris & the ND filter, I believe it has about 8 screws.
Notice there is only one black screw and that one holds the Iris and always take note of the screw locations so you can put them back in their right place, you need to remove it all very carefully, if you tear that plastic circuit you're toast.
The Iris has a metal cover that snaps in place (this is where the 4X glasses and an X-acto knife comes in handy) and holds the Iris blades, to clean use alcohol.

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Old June 18th, 2007, 11:57 PM   #26
New Boot
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Thanks Manuel, the iris assembly was a little harder to remove than I thought, but I was able to do it by unscrewing one of the motor assemblies and stretching the plastic circuit a little more than I was comfortable with.

I took out the iris blades and cleaned them with alcohol.
I didn't have any graphite lube, so I reassembled it without the lube and the camera seems to be working so far - I'll test again tomorrow and then weekly to see how long this solution lasts.

As for lubricants, do you think graphite is the best? I'm worried about the graphite particles leaking into the rest of the camera.

What do you know about teflon lubricant? Will it damage the camera? Is it safe?

Thanks again for all your help. Perhaps a few other black-screened HD1 owners will find this useful too.
William Brown is offline  
Old June 19th, 2007, 09:11 AM   #27
New Boot
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Good Work William,
I use a small paint brush to apply very little graphite (the first one I did was dry) you can get it at an auto parts store and I don't think teflon is a good idea (I think Sanyo found that out).
Also get a can of dust blower and clean the inside of the Lens assm. before you put it together.
Manuel Ramirez is offline  
Old June 20th, 2007, 07:54 AM   #28
New Boot
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I've been testing it intermittently for 2 days now and it still seems to be working. Fingers crossed.
William Brown is offline  
Old August 6th, 2007, 07:19 AM   #29
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HD1 lens disassembly

I need some help please in taking the cover off the HD1.

Somehow a piece of dirt has got stuck in the centre of the inside face of the lens. I need to get inside it to clean it. I've tried following your instructions in getting the lens out but I can't get the cover off.

I've taken off 9 screws: 2 from the top, 3 from inside the battery compartment and the 1 screw at the bottom left under the battery compartment lid, the 2 from the dark grey front cover strip (front & bottom), the 1 screw from the bottom next to the socket. The cover still seems to be firmly attached at the bottom left corner. I didn't want to force it in case I'm going to break it. Perhaps I've missed something.

Please also confirm where I can find the photographs showing the disassembly, the link seems to be broken.

Mirek Gee is offline  
Old August 11th, 2007, 03:52 AM   #30
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HD1 lens disassembly

Success! I tried again. After taking out the 9 screws I gently prised the case apart. It was sticking at the bottom left corner but it did come apart with a little encouragement.

After that Mark's instructions were very helpful. Once the speaker is out of the way, there way down the back is the screw that holds the lens cover. Once that is off then the front element of the lens is easily removed by taking out the 4 screws that hold it on. I cleaned it with a blower an a very soft paintbrush. Now it is all back together and working - and now without the dark diamond shaped shadow that I had in the middle of the picture.

Many thanks!
Mirek Gee is offline  

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