No 24p on the V1P (aka: John's an idiot) at
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Sony HVR-V1 / HDR-FX7
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Old January 17th, 2007, 06:10 AM   #1
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No 24p on the V1P (aka: John's an idiot)

So my V1P arrived today and I am completely over the moon by how good the footage is.

After all the worries and concerns about it I am 100% impressed.

That said, I was sure, certain, without doubt, guaranteed, that the PAL version of the V1 featured 24p - I was wrong.

We get 25p only. This is a HUGE disappointment. I went back and looked at all the promotional material and realised that I simply didn't look hard enough and took it for granted that the PAL version would be the same as everyone else's.

I had been taking notes on workflows for 24p that are all now pointless for me.

But I'm still happy - the 25p stuff looks great (not as great as 25i but still beautiful).

Is it an easy process to go from 25p capture to a 24p output? Or is that not a success?

I just have to spend some time figuring out if I am editing the 25p footage correctly... I want to make sure I'm doing it right. I assume I don't need to de-interlace the footage and that I can edit in a 25i timeline in PPro. But I'm not entirely sure...
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Old January 17th, 2007, 06:32 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by John Hewat
So my V1P arrived today and I am completely over the moon by how good the footage is.

After all the worries and concerns about it I am 100% impressed.

That said, I was sure, certain, without doubt, guaranteed, that the PAL version of the V1 featured 24p - I was wrong.

We get 25p only. This is a HUGE disappointment. I went back and looked at all the promotional material and realised that I simply didn't look hard enough and took it for granted that the PAL version would be the same as everyone else's.

I had been taking notes on workflows for 24p that are all now pointless for me.

But I'm still happy - the 25p stuff looks great (not as great as 25i but still beautiful).

Is it an easy process to go from 25p capture to a 24p output? Or is that not a success?

I just have to spend some time figuring out if I am editing the 25p footage correctly... I want to make sure I'm doing it right. I assume I don't need to de-interlace the footage and that I can edit in a 25i timeline in PPro. But I'm not entirely sure...
There is not a human alive that can tell the difference between 25P and 24P. There are well established methods of going to film from 25P. Not having 24P is not a problem.

The problems is 25P quality issues at the moment which prevent it being used.

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Old January 17th, 2007, 06:34 AM   #3
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Good. That's the kind of answer that makes spending a lot of money much easier.

Apart from the 25p problem part...
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Old January 17th, 2007, 10:16 AM   #4
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John, I personally prefer 25p over 24p. There would be no reason they'd put both on a camera. Now that the resolution of all HD is equal regardless of which side of the pond you're on...25p has some serious advantages, IMO.
No pull down to hassle over, no judder, you get slightly smoother motion, etc. Plus for the PAL newbie coming to p from i, it's not as big a leap to 25p as it is from 60i to 24p.

Please do not turn this thread into yet another 25p gripe thread. Those posts will be deleted. There are several other threads on that subject.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old January 17th, 2007, 10:26 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Douglas Spotted Eagle
John, I personally prefer 25p over 24p. There would be no reason they'd put both on a camera. Now that the resolution of all HD is equal regardless of which side of the pond you're on...25p has some serious advantages, IMO.
No pull down to hassle over, no judder, you get slightly smoother motion, etc. Plus for the PAL newbie coming to p from i, it's not as big a leap to 25p as it is from 60i to 24p.

Please do not turn this thread into yet another 25p gripe thread. Those posts will be deleted. There are several other threads on that subject.
Thanks Douglas. I'm glad that's the case.

Don't worry - I'm more eager to turn this into a "How do I edit 25p in PPro" thread. I have been testing it in a 50i project and it appears to be working just fine when I output as 50i.

But I want to know if I should be doing anything else to the footage in order to produce a true 25p output? De-interlacing, etc.
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Old January 17th, 2007, 10:54 AM   #6
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John, how's about we keep this a "John's an idiot" thread. ;-)
Just kidding, of course.
You already have a true 25p output. You don't need to deinterlace.
As far as editing, we have a great Premiere Pro forum here, please keep discussions about editing in Premiere Pro in that forum, if you wouldn't mind?
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old January 17th, 2007, 10:59 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Douglas Spotted Eagle
John, how's about we keep this a "John's an idiot" thread. ;-)
Just kidding, of course.
You already have a true 25p output. You don't need to deinterlace.
As far as editing, we have a great Premiere Pro forum here, please keep discussions about editing in Premiere Pro in that forum, if you wouldn't mind?
No problemo. I never know which forum to stick these questions when they're specific to cameras and NLEs.

Just about every thread I start could be called "John's an idiot". I really am a beginner when it comes to all this technology. I've been making short films for almost ten years but never with any worthwhile equipment. Now that I have some, I find I'm learning all over again. But this time I'm behind the eight ball.
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