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Sony TRV950 / PDX10 Companion TRV900, PD100A and other Sony DV camcorders.

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Old August 15th, 2005, 01:01 PM   #16
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Get your PDX10 accessories while you can, I guess.
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Old August 16th, 2005, 12:10 PM   #17
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You can find sellers of PDX-10s at

CLICK ON "FIND A RESELLER" to find one in your region...or across the country.

Not all still sell them. But I found at least one...see below.

I did call the 800 numbers provided for SONY PROFESSIONAL
800 883 6817 866-766-9272


"BUT, is it still being manufactured?" I asked.

"The PDX-10 is a current model. It has not been discontinued," they kept responding and responding.

One SONY representative even took time to research what he said was the latest most up-to-date information on the PDX-10.

And I spoke with various SONY representatives and got basically the same response. Though one admitted they are not permitted to discuss what they call "presales" information.

(Confusing...because Sony had been willing to admit that the HC1000 was no longer being manufactured.")

One SONY representative insisted that the
webpage was recently...just that week...updated. And that if you click on "resellers" you can find a company selling the PDX10. But again, she wouldn't answer if they were currently manufactured.

She did say that the PDX10 and PDX10P were not "joined at the hip."

And she said that the PDX-10 still qualifies for "flat rate repair."

As advised....I clicked on the site...and then clicked on the "resellers" button for that site. NOT ONE SELLER APPEARED. I contacted the SONY from their website e-mail link . No response.

HOWEVER...yesterday evening, a list of resellers for the PDX-10 appeared at that site.

I called one this morning...just to get an idea of what is out there. And yes, they have one PDX-10...

1 800-631-6812.
It's in New England...and sounds solid...but who knows.

Their sale price is $1976--minus $200 rebate. (Don't know their shipping and handling or return policy).

I called B&H. They were very definite...that they were expecting more within a few weeks. So, I'm inclined to get it from them...if at all possible.

Originally Posted by Boyd Ostroff
I'm assuming your thought is to exchange the HC-1000 so it would have to come from B&H?
No, it's not a requirement from their end...but I have just developed a very high level of trust and loyalty...based on their really incredible record so far...of total dependability and honesty...and respectfulness.

Also...when it looked like there might not be a PDX-10 readily available...I did begin to consider other options.

BTW, Boyd, you were right about their (B&H'S) price for the PDX-10.

SO, the above information is what I was told by various representatives. I'm guessing that there could be a representative who would be more forthcoming about the status of the PDX-10. But, Boyd said, there are some out there.

AND you can find them (at least one) from the SONY site

ALSO...if someone wants to go for the one I've listed...great. Hope it helps!

----------------------------------------------------'s likely we're probably all arriving at similar conclusions...that it looks like SONY doesn't like to tell consumers that a model is no longer manufactured while there are still models on the market. But...if I'm wrong...wouldn't be the first time.

As a friend of mine wisely said, "Truth is a moving target."
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Old August 16th, 2005, 03:10 PM   #18
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Wow, thanks a lot for sharing all this info with us Sandra!
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Old August 19th, 2005, 05:41 AM   #19
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THANKS! Boyd. Hope the information helps. does seem there still is no clear answer...that I was able to obtain...about the manufacture of the PDX-10...or even just how available they really are going to be.

BRIEF UPDATE Just spoke with Full Compass. They said they've been told they'll receive some PDX-10s by August 29... They also said they have NOT been told the PDX-10s are discontinued (which again...doesn't mean they are still being manufactured.)
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Old August 19th, 2005, 06:01 AM   #20
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Thanks Sandra. Your questions about the other cameras really don't belong in this forum, so I've moved them to our Open DV forum. You'll find a new thread on that topic here:
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 08:27 PM   #21
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Curiouser and Curiouser

If you go to the sonybiz site now (sorry, one of those sites you can't really link to easily) and navigate to the pro DVCAM camcorders, it no longer states that the PDX-10P has been discontinued and replaced by the A1E. Now just a few days ago I saw the same thing that Hans described myself, but it's gone now....
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Old August 23rd, 2005, 12:28 AM   #22
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Hello Boyd

I went to the site this morning and it is discontinued (again)look at:Products-Broadcast and professional audio/video-camcorders-DVCam.

You can still find them in shops here in Europe I´ve been looking around since I probably will buy one .



I did another test and did a SEARCH for the camcorder on the site and then you get all the normal information about the camera spec ...etc and that way it doesn´t say anything about the PDX being discontinued . Ds
Remember, that English is my second language.
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Old August 23rd, 2005, 07:03 AM   #23
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Weird, now it shows it discontinued again...
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Old August 23rd, 2005, 09:02 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Boyd Ostroff
Weird, now it shows it discontinued again...
You don't run that website, do you Boyd? :)
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Old August 24th, 2005, 12:14 AM   #25
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Thing is, discontinued information is highly prized. Dealers with shelves full of the kit are loath to see the manufacturer claim that it's dead - that's when punters turn away in droves.

Car manufacturers are almost as coy about releasing discontinued info as they are about release dates of new models - all for the same reason. The manufacturer's market is the shop front. Keep the dealer happy and he'll keep buying your stock.

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Old August 24th, 2005, 08:19 AM   #26
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Speaking of which, looks like the PD-170 is out of stock at B&H....
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Old August 24th, 2005, 08:26 AM   #27
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You, could be the end of the line for all the 4:3 chipped cams. Not that this suddenly makes them all useless - far from it. And the VX2k1 and PD170 will always hold a place dear in many a photographer's heart, due in part to their quite amazing low light capability.

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Old August 24th, 2005, 12:42 PM   #28
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For Sandra Warshaw:

"BUT, is it still being manufactured?" I asked.
Some folks may not be aware, but camcorders aren't manufactured on an assembly line on a daily basis throughout the product life of the camera. Instead, they're assembled on a table by a group of six or eight or nine technicians, and they build them in batches at a time. Near the end of a product life cycle, if the world inventory levels are up, they won't put out any more batches and will instead just sell out of the remaining inventory. However they might get an order from some big government or educational contract and suddenly they need a few hundred more, so they'll run off another batch or two, more than they need, and now with this resupplied inventory it staves off the end-of-life for awhile longer. What it boils down to is that it doesn't really matter if it's still being manufactured. What matters is whether they have any to sell. Some consumer models have had their entire allotment made up a month before their announcement and that inventory lasts throughout the entire life cycle... so even though they're not being manufactured anymore, there are still plenty to sell. Sometimes manufacturing stops for good even before that model hits the shelves for the first time, but enough were built to last throughout the life cycle.

They didn't answer your question directly because they feared you would draw the wrong conclusion. Again, it doesn't matter whether or not they're still building them. And they're probably not still building them, but if they wanted to they can fire up that table and spit more of them out. The goal is to sell every last one, so they watch their inventory pretty closely.

I've seen photos of the manufacturing process but have not been allowed access to those photos because the people who showed them to me knew I'd put those images on my site if I had 'em. Hope this helps,

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Old August 24th, 2005, 08:03 PM   #29
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Thanks Chris. Appreciate your taking time to describe process. You've helped to make sense out of what seemed like mixed and somewhat confusing information I've been getting from various sellers and SONY. In fact, one seller did explain they get them in batches.

And today...when I called SONY for an update...they again said they were NOT discontinued. But the representative said the HC1000 was. And again she admitted she couldn't answer if they were still being manufactured.

Thanks for the clarity. It will help stop my head from spinning.

And probably just as I feel like I have the information I need finally reach a decision as to how to proceed!

ALSO..MANY!!!! THANKS for this GREAT forum. It keeps providing answers that I haven't been able to find ANYWHERE else...and which are essential for making sound decisions!!!
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Old August 31st, 2005, 11:01 PM   #30
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If this is any indication, Sea & Sea has the underwater housing for the PDX10 listed as "discontinued".
Dean Sensui
Exec Producer, Hawaii Goes Fishing
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