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Old August 22nd, 2005, 11:09 AM   #1
Retired DV Info Net Almunus
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Canon Announces the 5D

For those who have been waiting for a more economical full-frame dslr Canon has today announced the 5D.

See a concise announcement of the camera's specs and features at Rob Galbraith's site:
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 11:26 AM   #2
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How about that -- thanks for the report, Ken!

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Old August 22nd, 2005, 03:13 PM   #3
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The FF sensor on the 5D looks good, but 3fps isn't. Besides the size, why not just buy a used 1Ds? I'm also dissapointed in the 1d MK2 N. Is this camera significantly different at all? I think the 1d (both the Mk1 and 2) is a great camera, but I just don't see why it can't have more resolution than the 20d?? Maybe the processer can't deal with files bigger than that at 8fps?

I so want to get out of the 1.6x crop factor, but the 20d still looks like the best blend of performance for the price. I'd buy a 5D, but want more than 3fps. Id buy a 1D Mk 2 for the 1.3x and 8fps, but for the same price, would rather have a full frame sensor and huge megapixels.

Dang. I'll just keep my 10d's for a while longer.

I'm also really dissapointed by the lack of image stabilization in Canon's ultra-compact line, especially since Panasonic has been pumping out some really good little OIS cameras. This really dissapoints me because I put off buying a Panny in hopes that Canon would put one out in this batch of cameras. Oh well. I own too many Canon's anyway.
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 03:23 PM   #4
Skyonic New York
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"Besides the size, why not just buy a used 1Ds?"

how about 5 big ones if your talking the mk2

"I'm also dissapointed in the 1d MK2 N"

if you ever used one the updates are pricesless especially the 9999 image create new folder update...
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 03:53 PM   #5
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Wow, this was quick after the 20D, but then I guess it fills the gap between the 20D and the 1Ds.

I bought my wife a 20D last year and (since she lets me use it anytime), we both love it. But I'd love a full-sized sensor camera even more! Maybe she'll reciprocate and buy me a 5D this year? And some L glass while she's at it.
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 05:08 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Robert Mann Z.
"Besides the size, why not just buy a used 1Ds?"

how about 5 big ones if your talking the mk2
Did I say Mk2? NO! :)
I'm not the Pope of Cameratown, but the 5d looks pretty similar to the 1Ds (besides the body size) to me. Bummed about not having a built in flash too. Since it is a more compact (relative to the 1Ds) I'd hate to waste the small form factor by having to carry an external flash.
I dunno, it just seems to be a compromise between two good cameras, except without the things that are important to me.


"I'm also dissapointed in the 1d MK2 N"

if you ever used one the updates are pricesless especially the 9999 image create new folder update...
No one in the general public has used a 1d Mk2 N at this point, so I'm not sure what you mean.
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 07:44 PM   #7
Skyonic New York
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Did I say Mk2? NO! :)
I'm not the Pope of Cameratown,
your certainly not, the orginal 1ds uses 1st generation ff technology with tons of noise at higher iso, where as canon stated the 5d uses mkII ds technology, i'n not knocking the 1ds its a great camera but it has less pixels 11.4 vs 12.8 your talking about 5d with a digic II chip that is unmatched by canons without it like the 1ds...ohh and by the way the 1ds sells for around $3,000 on the cheap on ebay, why not just get a new camera with new technology...

no flash because pro camera don't have flash, just like pro vid cams don't have built in lights

No one in the general public has used a 1d Mk2 N at this point, so I'm not sure what you mean.
read it again my ref was to the mkII, the n model helps a lot for anyone that had used the mk2 for any extensive time
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 08:50 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Robert Mann Z.
your certainly not, the orginal 1ds uses 1st generation ff technology with tons of noise at higher iso, where as canon stated the 5d uses mkII ds technology, ...
Actually, Canon has stated that the heritage of the 5D's sensor is not that of the 1D2 or 1Ds2 but rather a refinement of the 20D/Rebel XT sensor line. Nothing wrong there, as that's a fine sensor that Kodak would die to own.
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 09:29 PM   #9
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For detailed (official) spec on any of the EOS range:

The D5 is slightly short of full frame, and on spec roughly midway between the entry level 350D and the top-of-the-range 1Ds. I guess it will be price wise too.

If anybody is looking for a DSLR with built in flash, then the 350D is the one from the EOS range. I can vouch it does what it says on the box.
Nick Hockings
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 09:38 PM   #10
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no flash because pro camera don't have flash, just like pro vid cams don't have built in lights
This camera treads the line between pro and semi-pro and fills a gap between the 20D and 1D mk2. The 20d has a flash, the 1D mk2. I do not believe that Canon decided, "let's not put a flash on this, so people will KNOW it is a professional camera." You are entitled to your repeat whatever you like though.

read it again my ref was to the mkII, the n model helps a lot for anyone that had used the mk2 for any extensive time
Robert, my apologies. I had a hard time understanding your context due to your lack of proper punctuation and capitalization.
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 10:11 PM   #11
Skyonic New York
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Originally Posted by Nick Hockings
The D5 is slightly short of full frame, .
"With no cropping or magnification effect, the EOS 5D's 12.8 MP full frame CMOS sensor (35.8 x 23.9mm) offers full freedom of expression."

direct from canon...if it's not full frame please explain
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 10:15 PM   #12
Skyonic New York
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Originally Posted by Ken Tanaka
Actually, Canon has stated that the heritage of the 5D's sensor is not that of the 1D2 or 1Ds2 but rather a refinement of the 20D/Rebel XT sensor line. Nothing wrong there, as that's a fine sensor that Kodak would die to own.
...its an all new sensor that i had mistaken from the 1ds family, it is the noise reduction chips that are borrowed

from Phils site
"With five years of in-house CMOS development since the original EOS D30, Canon’s latest CMOS sensor features 12.8 Megapixels, and the same second-generation on-chip noise reduction circuitry used on the EOS-1Ds Mark II. "
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Old August 23rd, 2005, 03:42 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Dylan Couper
This camera treads the line between pro and semi-pro and fills a gap between the 20D and 1D mk2. The 20d has a flash, the 1D mk2. I do not believe that Canon decided, "let's not put a flash on this, so people will KNOW it is a professional camera."
I find the built-in flash of the 20D (or the rebel) quite useless. The lens hoods of all my favourite lenses (even that of the 24-70mm/2.8 L USM) cast a shadow on the subject when using the built-in flash. Instead of that tiny flash I would have preferred a larger viewfinder. Personally I think the 5D is a step in the right direction. 3 fps, however, is not fast enough for what I shoot mostly (sports and wildlife), so I'll wait for the 3D.
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Old August 23rd, 2005, 07:49 AM   #14
Skyonic New York
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Originally Posted by Dylan Couper
This camera treads the line between pro and semi-pro and fills a gap between the 20D and 1D mk2. The 20d has a flash, the 1D mk2. I do not believe that Canon decided, "let's not put a flash on this, so people will KNOW it is a professional camera." You are entitled to your repeat whatever you like though.
at this point its safe to say the 5d was positioned toward a very pro market, some indicators are , no flash, full frame, and price. I would say the 20d is semi pro and the 300/350 are consumer, the 5d is a full frame for professionals that require full frame but need a light wieght alternative to the 1ds and don't need the extra resolution or weather sealing...
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Old August 23rd, 2005, 12:39 PM   #15
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Wow, you guys are going nuts over this thing already so I might as well jump on my soapbox and throw my 2 cents in. The first page of Galbraith’s article is spot on about who will by this model. At some point I will probably be one of them. First, I’ll say again that technological improvements in camera bodies always appear first in cameras in this market group, the level just below the current flagship model. As Galbraith implied, the first group of shooters that will rush out and buy this model will be the “affluent amateur”. Camera manufacturers have known this for years and they make a lot of money on the group who “has to have the latest and greatest.”

The other group will be professional photographers, for a different set of reasons. Cameras are the tools I earn my living with. I don’t want to buy more cameras; I approach it from a financial standpoint. The bottom line is, will it make me more money? Do my clients need something it has? Will it make my work easier? Will it improve my product?

First, Mega pixels – it is quickly becoming similar to the 172X Digital zoom on consumer video cameras at Best Buy, it is there so the salesman can say it is. The first question people often ask is of course, how many megs is it? The real question is how many do you need? Yes, I shoot primarily with the EOS 1D MKII because I need to. I have also had many images published in national magazines shot with my 10D. Sensor quality, and ratio is more important to me than size. Photo editors did not consider images from my old D30 to be good enough, but once you provide them with a quality image from a 6 meg or better camera it is good enough for many of them, but I do now submit images primarily from the MKII. On the other hand, some of my corporate clients have actually complained about the large file sizes from the MKII. Those pictures are being used in newsletters, brochures and in-house publications. The large files become a data management issue for them. They frankly don’t care what I shoot with, they care about how the image looks and meets their needs.

Flash, turn it off. If you want your pictures to look professional never use it unless absolutely necessary. Many of today’s digital SLRs look amazing at high ISO. Built in camera flashes have no value to me. And I find battery grips almost useless too. They are just an item to add weight to the camera and have no effect on performance. The days of true motor drives are over. The E-TTL II compatibility on the E5 is important to me.

So why will consider the E5? Sensor quality and coverage. Finally being able to utilize a 16mm focal length again is very attractive. Compatibility with all of my other EOS systems is critical. I always shoot with 2 bodies; it is a great replacement for a 10D. I find that I usually need to replace my digital bodies with every other generation of improvements. This camera, in combination with my MKII will meet my needs.

I am honestly not trying to be smug. I am trying to express a common thought process of professional photographers. I can assure you that these days, when I book a job, absolutely no one is asking me what I shoot with and how many megs is it. As a professional, it is my job to provide them with the product that best suits their needs. For 2 of them that is still the 10D not the MKII.

Been at this so long I'm rounding my years of experience down...not up!
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