2.8 pro lenses outside diameter-canon at DVinfo.net
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Old September 4th, 2005, 02:35 PM   #1
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2.8 pro lenses outside diameter-canon

I've looked around and can't seem to find the outside diameter of the canon pro lenses. specifially the 16-35 ef 2.8l or the 24-70 2.8 or the 70-200 I know the screw in filter is 77mm for all of these lenses but I'm wondering what the outside diameter is. Does anyone have a mattebox like device for use with still cameras?
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Old September 5th, 2005, 01:18 AM   #2
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I have each of those lenses can can measure them if you really need it.

But the lens hoods that come with these lenses do as good of a job as possible in preventing flares. The wide lenses have tulip hoods, and since the 24-70 extends as focal length decreases a hood just wouldn't work on it at all.

A matte box would not be of value beyond the lenses' hoods and, in fact, probably would be a problem.
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Old September 5th, 2005, 06:08 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Ken Tanaka
I have each of those lenses can can measure them if you really need it.

But the lens hoods that come with these lenses do as good of a job as possible in preventing flares. The wide lenses have tulip hoods, and since the 24-70 extends as focal length decreases a hood just wouldn't work on it at all.

A matte box would not be of value beyond the lenses' hoods and, in fact, probably would be a problem.
The 24-70 actually comes with a hood as well.

As far as the hoods go if you shoot film or full frame 35mm digital the hoods are designed to cvover as much as possible.

If you shoot any digital with a crop factor (anything besides a 1DS, 1DSMarkII or 5D) the hoods do not cover as much as they could.

If you shoot the EF lenses on an XL camera (XL1, XL1s, XL2) A matte box will help of course as the lens hoods that come with the lens are not nearly enough in this case

I dont know if there is something but i would guess there are some adapters to go from either 77mm or the bayonet to allow you to mount a matte box.


The hood on the 24-70 does not extend with the lens but is designed to work with the lens extended as well as not. The lens extends in wide angle which allows the hood to be longer anyway
Michael Salzlechner

Last edited by Michael Salzlechner; September 5th, 2005 at 12:13 PM.
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Old September 5th, 2005, 11:59 AM   #4
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Ken, I was thinking more of to use my panavision sized filters, instead of buying a bunch of the screw on type. I'll be using my camera more as a tool for establishing shots (as the sensor is close to that of 2/3" ccd, well not SUPER close but closer then a 35mm chip) Anyhow I'm more interested in how the shots are effected by filters and what have you, and I have access to a couple of chrosziel matteboxes, just kicking things around in my head. Anyhow I'm curious to know what the outside diameter is without the hood thanks.
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Old September 5th, 2005, 12:12 PM   #5
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i dont know the size of everything you are working with but in still photography we use external filters all the time. I use a cokin p filter set which mounts a filter holder on the front of the lens using the lens threads that can hold 3 filters and extends about 3/4 of an inch forward from the lens

on a 17-40 on a 1.3 crop body such as the 1DMarkII this does not cause any vignetting. On a 35mm full frame sensor it will vignet a little using the 3 filter holder

A single filter holder will not vignet on a 35mm sensor either

The front threads on both the 17-40 and the 24-70 are 77mm

The bayonet diameter is 80mm but the 24-70 extends the front of the lens forward so you would need a holder that mounts to the front thread
Michael Salzlechner
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Old September 5th, 2005, 04:01 PM   #6
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Michael, I'm using a 20d (not a full size 35mm image sensor) basically I'm trying to do just as you were saying taking advantage of the mattebox that I have and the filters that I have to determine if I need to buy all new ones when I start moving onto my more professional lenses or if I can buy an adapter for the mattebox.
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