Getting paperwork in order at
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Old April 22nd, 2012, 04:51 PM   #1
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Getting paperwork in order

Hi all. I'm scheduling a video/photo shoot at a Velodrome track. The bike riders are members so they've already signed waivers for riding on the track. As far as the track is concerned, they're riding at their own risk.

The thing is, I'm there. I'll be on the apron where typically someone would not be sprawled out on the ground, next to a tripod and a flash stand 10' away. Lights will be flashing, possibly a couple reflectors will be secured on the inside of the track and I'm asking them to do something specific so I guess that crosses the "they're just there riding" line.

We'll have the track to ourselves at night so I'll take several precautions to make sure all gear is visible. But, things can happen. I have a $1M liability and $15K gear insurance, I signed a waiver with the track, someone from the track will be there, the track signed a release and the riders will sign my waivers and releases a couple days before.

Just wondering if I missed anything paperwork/insurance wise. Any other tips are appreciated. Cheers
Kawika Ohumukini is offline   Reply With Quote
Old April 22nd, 2012, 11:48 PM   #2
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Re: Getting paperwork in order

I have shot at that velodrome, good stuff there. I live in Golden Hill.

From a legal perspective, I think you would have a hard time disclaiming yourself from bright lights flashing and stuff on the apron of the track. The rider and bike is the least of my concern, you and your gear will be the ones getting hit and possibly maimed. I never say this, but I'd recommend consulting with your insurance and an attorney. You can't disclaim yourself against negligence, and I'm concerned that even if you and the track and the riders are all under disclaimers, and a rider hit a tripod on the apron of the track, totaled his bike, hurt himself, totaled your camera, and hurt you, it'd be tempting ground for negligence.

Tread lightly.
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Old April 23rd, 2012, 08:15 AM   #3
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Re: Getting paperwork in order

Thanks Mike. I'll take your advice and talk to a couple more people. I may have to get back a little. Won't be as cool of a shot but it's just a free promo for the bike club, sponsors and maybe the track. Worst case I'll green screen some riders on trainers. :) thanks
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Old April 25th, 2012, 03:54 PM   #4
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Re: Getting paperwork in order

Well, just heard back from Lockton risk services (GLI through the PPA) and they didn't like the idea of being on the track. They don't mind if I'm outside the track. It would have been a cool shot but I guess I'll skip this one. Cheers
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Old April 25th, 2012, 06:58 PM   #5
Inner Circle
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Re: Getting paperwork in order

You might check to see if there will be any ambulance folk at the track, make yourself known to them beforehand.

Agree if there is a bad accident, can you video them in action and send it to the local news/sports channel? Or not .. in case there is a spill
and someone videos it on their cell phone and sends it in.

Drink more tap water. On admission at Sydney hospitals more than 5% of day patients are de-hydrated.
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