Thank you DVinfo - From Professional to Enthusiast
I have been away from the board for awhile. A lot has changed in my professional landscape and I closed the doors on my business a couple years ago. I came across a Dolby Digital profile in my editor from Ed Troxel today while helping a friend with some audio encoding and thought fondly of and the wonderful people who make up this community. To all who walk the halls of this message board, you walk in the footsteps of giants and I hope you reach out and take advantage of the wealth of information so willingly shared here. To the giants whose footsteps I have had the honor of walking in, thank you for sharing your time, boundless knowledge, and skill in helping me to grow as a film-maker, editor, small business owner, and artist. You are truly a treasure and I wish you all the best this life has to offer.
Thank you.
3x-HD1000u - Ikan 8000HD- custom i7 PC - Vegas Pro 13 and 11 64 bit - Premiere Pro CS4 - and a whole mess of other equipment...