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Old June 17th, 2013, 06:26 PM   #16
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Re: Packaging of final product

I really have always liked the white and tissue paper idea. When I was a photog, back in the old days (yes, shooting on film) we used to make up the bride's album and that was usually leatherette and always white with "Our Wedding" in embossed silver lettering on the front. It came, of course, in a white cardboard box which was lined with tissue paper and after printing the enlargements and putting them in the album it was returned to the tissue paper and the box was presented to the bride.

When I went over to video I really expected to be able to easily find "off the shelf" solutions for weddings and yes, two white DVD cases with "Our Wedding" in Silver on the front and also in a white box....You can still buy the white albums and they are really easy to find but the DVD case????

I wonder why .... weddings are still popular ??

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Old June 18th, 2013, 06:59 AM   #17
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Re: Packaging of final product

Just a segway from the original question. We package our DVDs in the standard black DVD cases with the clear plastic sleeve...print custom covers that match the DVD menus.

Recently we got a bad batch of the black cases...we ordered them from the same place we previously had, and they were fine before, but this batch they seemed to have cheaped out on us, so looking for a good supplier of quality, standard DVD cases. Any suggestions?
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Old June 19th, 2013, 06:23 AM   #18
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Re: Packaging of final product

It's interesting that the Adobe Creative Cloud versions of their suite was released yesterday, but Encore is no longer a part of the suite. Granted you can download Encore CS6, but both Apple and Adobe seem to think that physical media is on its way out.

Most of my weddings end up on Blu-Ray now, but I wonder if it will all start going to USB drives or something similar.

Is the Encore CS6 version the final release of this product?

Yes. The trend in the video and broadcast industry is moving away from physical media distribution. The
future is in cloud and streaming content. Therefore we are focusing more on products that deliver to
streaming services. For example, Adobe Media Encoder and Adobe Premiere Pro CC include a new
feature allowing users to create iPad-ready video with QuickTime chapter markers. The Encore CS6
version will be the final release of this product.
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Old June 19th, 2013, 06:44 AM   #19
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Re: Packaging of final product

Originally Posted by Katie Fasel View Post

Recently we got a bad batch of the black cases...we ordered them from the same place we previously had, and they were fine before, but this batch they seemed to have cheaped out on us, so looking for a good supplier of quality, standard DVD cases. Any suggestions?
Katie I always use Amaray cases - never had a problem
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Old June 19th, 2013, 08:13 AM   #20
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Re: Packaging of final product

I'm not really sure where my cases are made..probably China but they seem to be good quality and I buy from the supplier in lots of 100. I did make the huge mistake once of buying local from the discount store..They looked OK from the outside but about 50% fell to pieces when I used them.

I can get Amray cases here in either clear or black but didn't like the fact that the 2nd DVD (mine are always sets of 2) is on a little swing out piece of plastic. Can you get Amray cases that just have one DVD that fits in each cover or not?? I think our ones reserve the left hand cover for a booklet as it has two clips on it

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Old June 19th, 2013, 10:10 AM   #21
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Re: Packaging of final product

I think that even Amaray cases are horrible. Cheap plasticky & so easy to break. Just like the even more fragile cheap & plasticky CD cases. At least it's harder to shatter DVD cases. Blu-ray cases are no better. Why is it that they cannot create a nice standard disc case that doesn't break or split? I have seen the occasional commercial CD release in a decent heavy-duty cardboard. It wasn't until a couple of years ago that you could even buy decent quality disc cases for packaging while DVD discs have been on the market for over 10 years.
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Old June 19th, 2013, 10:15 AM   #22
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Re: Packaging of final product


Amazon UK has these, I'm sure you can find a dealer in Aus or nearby:

Amaray 2 Disc DVD case black 50 pack: Computers & Accessories

They're not terribly romantic though!
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Old June 19th, 2013, 10:21 AM   #23
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Re: Packaging of final product

I use a nice presentation boxed version for the bride and groom - they can buy extra if they want - I use Amaray cases with a nice printed insert for extra copies if they wish to keep the price down.

I find they are as good as any other plastic case - I've had much worse over the years

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Old June 22nd, 2013, 06:12 PM   #24
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Re: Packaging of final product

Just an FYI to everyone using Jewelboxing: I had to contact them about an order issue, and they told me that they're closing down the operation in a couple months. Now I have to find a similar substitute! Bummed.
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Old June 23rd, 2013, 04:34 AM   #25
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Re: Packaging of final product

I use a basic white Amaray case with inlay sleeve for a standard delivery, with a face to face double case when we are supplying a stills disc as well. We also have a choice of about 12 different styles of padded or chromed cases if clients want something more stylish.

The Amaray cases come from these people DVD Case - Amaray Premium White Double 14mm Face to face | I have used them for several years as they are very reliable and always respond immediately to any rare problems. They also supply various other useful items such as blank discs, some padded cases, memory cards etc. probably only of interest to UK members though, although the cases should be available in other countries.

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Old June 23rd, 2013, 04:51 AM   #26
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Re: Packaging of final product

Originally Posted by Roger Gunkel View Post
I use a basic white Amaray case with inlay sleeve for a standard delivery, with a face to face double case when we are supplying a stills disc as well. We also have a choice of about 12 different styles of padded or chromed cases if clients want something more stylish.

The Amaray cases come from these people DVD Case - Amaray Premium White Double 14mm Face to face | I have used them for several years as they are very reliable and always respond immediately to any rare problems. They also supply various other useful items such as blank discs, some padded cases, memory cards etc. probably only of interest to UK members though, although the cases should be available in other countries.

Thanks for that Roger. Bookmarked the website - will use them once I run out of Amarays.
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Old June 23rd, 2013, 10:00 AM   #27
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Re: Packaging of final product

Originally Posted by Corey Graham View Post
Just an FYI to everyone using Jewelboxing: I had to contact them about an order issue, and they told me that they're closing down the operation in a couple months. Now I have to find a similar substitute! Bummed.
Whoa! I've been using these for years. Which part of the operation is shutting down? Cases? Paper? Everything? I buy cases from another supplier, but the pre-scored paper is not to be found elsewhere. Stocking up now...
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Old June 24th, 2013, 07:45 PM   #28
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Re: Packaging of final product

I followed up the rumour regarding the closure of jewel boxing and got this response:
After more than a decade supplying software templates and perforated paper for use with Super Jewel Box™ King and Standard cases, Jewelboxing™ has decided to shut down operations.

Our reasons (in no particular order): 1. Demand for optical media (CDs/DVDs) and packaging solutions has greatly declined in recent years thanks to cloud transfer/storage and other media. 2. Jewelboxing's resources (staff, space, time, money) are needed for other projects* here at Coudal Partners (JB's parent company) 3. At current costs and inventory levels, producing another print run of template paper just doesn't make financial sense.

To be clear, we will continue to sell Jewelboxing kits and paper UNTIL OUR CURRENT SUPPLY OF PAPER RUNS OUT. Currently, we have enough King paper to support a few month's worth of orders and more Standard paper than we know what to do with, if demand goes up after this announcement, we may sell out more quickly.

Furthermore, be aware that Super Jewel Box International, the manufacturer of SJB, and our case supplier, is going strong and will continue to manufacture the cases for the foreseeable future. Bulk orders (over 1200 cases) will still be available directly from them. Smaller quantities are available from other suppliers. There should be no shortage of cases, our Jewelboxing™ custom paper is the issue here. We've had some interest from others interested in producing more paper (if you're willing to make a large investment of time, money, and space, contact me!), but if that doesn't happen, we will make our templates and dielines public domain.

Once we make the announcement on the site (Jewelboxing - Super Jewel Box Packaging System - CD and DVD Cases), we'll share some contacts, resources, and ideas to help you continue using Super Jewel Box cases without our paper.

We thank you very much for your support over the years, we regret having to make this difficult decision, and we remind you that we have quite a bit of Standard (CD) paper, so if you're able to convert to that format, we may be able to supply you for quite a while. We hope you'll continue to use the fantastic Super Jewel Box cases and continue to support SJB International, who have been great partners in this project.

Bryan Bedell Jewelboxing™

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Old June 24th, 2013, 08:28 PM   #29
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Re: Packaging of final product

FWIW, I just spoke with Coudal today and everything that you just quoted is entirely consistent with their representations to me by phone.
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Old June 24th, 2013, 11:00 PM   #30
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Re: Packaging of final product

the cloud movement.. yet around here people are still barely getting my blurays.. ffs
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