wedding IMAG anyone? at
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Wedding / Event Videography Techniques
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Old November 27th, 2018, 06:33 PM   #1
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wedding IMAG anyone?

Had an idea the other day to offer a simple IMAG service for weddings. Have a simple 2 or 3 camera setup that is switched and shown live on a large projector screen or TV along with audio going to sound system. That way the audience can see and hear the wedding better than their vantage point from their chair. And since it would already be all setup for live switching you could also run the feed to live stream for an additonal service if they wanted.
Anyone do this?
David Banner is offline   Reply With Quote
Old November 28th, 2018, 05:35 AM   #2
Inner Circle
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Re: wedding IMAG anyone?

Hi David

Here where the sun almost always shines during wedding season it's getting increasingly rare to see wedding ceremonies in actual venues. Ours are normally in a park or on the beach so you have no power.

Just another thought wouldn't it be really distracting for the couple to have all the guests looking at a screen and not directly at them. Dunno about others but most weddings we do are "unplugged" with a ban on cameras and phones (apart from the official ones of course) so the guests can immerse themselves in the ceremony.

Where would you proposing to set up the screen???
Chris Harding is offline   Reply With Quote
Old November 28th, 2018, 12:31 PM   #3
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Re: wedding IMAG anyone?

Hi Chris.
Thanks for all those good thoughts.
I don't know if it's a good idea or not so that's why I shared on here for thoughts.
I have been to receptions where a lot of people couldn't see what was going on, so a screen would be nice for them.
At a lot of ceremonies the audience usually cannot hear the couple nor can see their face if they choose to have their back to them. So the screen idea would give everyone a much better view.
You are correct that many would have their attention on the screen and not the bride and groom and maybe feel separated from the event.

Outdoors would be a real challenge due to brightness and needed power and probably not possible due to brightness as it would take a seriously bright screen to be seen. Plus wind issues need to be addressed.

And I suppose the main thing is would anyone be willing to pay what is needed to be able to do this
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Old November 29th, 2018, 09:07 AM   #4
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Re: wedding IMAG anyone?

I've done a few church Weddings where they have had screens. Feels more a gimmick and not sure if it's viewed much by the Guests. Unless the venue is very large, I'm not sure how important they are. Does feel silly to travel all that way to be there and then watch it on a screen.

That said, I think if it could show closeups of things like rings going on then it would be a nice touch. Also as the couple have their back to the Guests for some of the time, you could use it show their faces. It's still a novelty, and one some guests would make little use of.

Personally I think there's more to gain from streaming, but as a side option to that, it could work. How much money there is in it, well, your guess is as good as mine.
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Old December 2nd, 2018, 06:39 PM   #5
Inner Circle
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Re: wedding IMAG anyone?

I could see the point in a Church if there was an overflow! I did a wedding here in a very old church which held maybe 30 people so in that case an extra screen might work but honestly couldn't see it being a regular thing unless you did celebrity weddings with hundreds of guests.

Then again some of the older Anglican churches (and even one marriage celebrant) over here insist on the couple always face the altar so all the guests see are heads and Greek Orthodox weddings also have this reverse thing but we are allowed to film from the front of the church so the camera sees faces but the guests still see the back of heads ....if one specialised in Orthodox weddings a screen would be an asset in that scenario!
Chris Harding is offline   Reply

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