Blanks, blanks, blanks, blanks, blanks and so on... at
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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old June 10th, 2010, 08:10 PM   #1
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Blanks, blanks, blanks, blanks, blanks and so on...

Can't take this. Everytime I do a project with Vegas something goes crazy with the file wasting hours of work.

Here's a project I'm working on - a wedding video. This is a small portion of it. Take a look at the picture I've attached. Vegas has all the project media listed but the timeline shows empty squares. As you can see, I've placed my cursor in the timeline and the preview screen is dark - as if there isn't any media there.

I checked the project file and it correctly shows the last time it was modified and saved so I didn't accidentally make crazy changes and save it later on. I just re-opened the file to do some work and voila. EDIT: So I tried to copy and paste the entire project into a new project to see if I could make changes there. In the new project, the Project Media section is missing a whole lot of files. I find this odd since in the original, f'd up project all the media is listed in that Project Media section. Seriously. I want to unleash a string a profanities in and smash my monitor but I'm pretty sure that wouldn't help anything.

Also, a couple of scenes that are showing up are the wrong media even though right-clicking the event to see its properties (the files they should be calling to) appears to be correct. You know what, don't even worry about this last thing. Whatever. I've dealt with it so many times I don't even care anymore.

If you have any advice about the blanks on the timeline, please help. That's all I can say. Using 64-bit Vista. Yay.
Attached Thumbnails
Blanks, blanks, blanks, blanks, blanks and so on...-familyshots.jpg  

Last edited by Mike Hammond; June 10th, 2010 at 08:18 PM. Reason: More info
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Old June 10th, 2010, 08:47 PM   #2
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Just thought I would add this screenshot. Here's what a right-click on the timeline at a blank event looks like. There's no file name listed.
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Blanks, blanks, blanks, blanks, blanks and so on...-familyshots-2.jpg  
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Old June 11th, 2010, 06:19 AM   #3
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Mike take a look at track two, your video track, I see a track motion keyframe at the beginning of the track. Is the video out of the viewable frame?
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Old June 11th, 2010, 06:32 AM   #4
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Which version of Vega Pro 9 do you have installed? Attach the VEG file here and we can see how it looks when we open it. Definitely seems odd that there's be no active take name at all.
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Old June 11th, 2010, 06:42 AM   #5
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Thanks for the replies. I'm at the end of this rope.


The forum doesn't allow a veg. file as big as this to be attached. It's 76.4k so it's over the size limit. Otherwise, I appreciate the offer.


Here's another shot. I'm not sure, but it sounds like you're asking if the video event that is controlled by Track Motion is showing up. It is.

BTW, the two video scenes you see in the Vegas Preview screen - outside the church after the ceremony - shouldn't be there. And the video file they are from isn't even showing up in the Project Media section.
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Blanks, blanks, blanks, blanks, blanks and so on...-familyshot-3.jpg  
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Old June 11th, 2010, 08:21 AM   #6
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Mike, if I'm not mistaken, you need to be up to around 100 posts before you can attach things like veg files.
Feel free to send it to me at mkujbida at gmail dot com and I'll be glad to post it here for you.
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Old June 11th, 2010, 09:13 AM   #7
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Hi Mike,

Thanks so much. I've just sent it to you at the email addy you supplied.
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Old June 11th, 2010, 09:28 AM   #8
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And here's the veg file.
It turns out that I was mistaken and that there is a file size limit of 58.6 KB for veg files and this one was 76.4 KB, hence the zipped file.
Edward, can you ask Chris to up this to at least 100 KB please.
Attached Files
File Type: zip Family Shots (8.8 KB, 41 views)
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Old June 11th, 2010, 12:09 PM   #9
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I got a message that the file was corrupted and could not be opened. But I haven't updated to 9.0e yet if that makes a difference.
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Old June 11th, 2010, 12:28 PM   #10
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Hi Ed,

Thanks for taking a look.

I think it might be the version of Vegas you have. The reason I say that is because I checked out another forum where someone asked about a corrupted Vegas file. The way to check, according to that group, was to move the needed media files to a new location and then see what happens when Vegas tries to open it. My file opened and then asked about the missing files allowing me to manually point to the new folder. They suggested if the file was corrupt, it wouldn't even get that far.
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Old June 13th, 2010, 01:41 PM   #11
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Hi All,

Well, I walked away from the damn thing for a couple days and trusted that a cooler head would prevail. I found a solution and want to post it here in case someone, somewhere has the same problem. Here was the fix:

In the case of a project file opening with wrong video tracks in place of the ones that should be there (see the jpegs earlier in this thread) here’s what I did.

1. Open the file
2. Find out, looking at the properties of all video events, which video file is the culprit
3. In Project Media box, choose to “Replace” that media with another random video clip. This replacement clip should be, at least, as long as the original being replaced.
4. Let Vegas refill the project with this new clip
5. Delete the offending clip from Project Properties
6. Now replace the replacement media file with the correct one again and let Vegas fill it all in

Maybe this will help someone else sometime.

- Mike
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Old June 13th, 2010, 02:50 PM   #12
Inner Circle
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I have also copied everything to another hard drive and found it to work fine also. then I reformat the original drive and everything is fine again and I can put the project in the original place. I have also ran disk check and that has fixed the problem also.
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Old June 14th, 2010, 12:05 AM   #13
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I also ran into somewhat similar issues on W7 x64 with one project a while back. I am pretty sure I ended up doing something similar to what you did to solve it. It is a very strange problem, and it would seem like something is corrupted in the veg file or something in Vegas itself is reading the veg file incorrectly. I never really had a chance to try to isolate the issue.
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