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  1. help with the jaggies
  2. Setting someone on fire via after effects
  3. Greenscreen Motion Tracking Tape
  4. After Effects resources?
  5. Anyone done outside greenscreening?
  6. Knoll Light Factory Spectacular
  7. Weird After Effects problem
  8. Fixing halo and creases in a greenscreen curtain?
  9. Best way to make an object turn to misty smoke
  10. Need only a moving character to not be keyed
  11. Help with Chromakey Choice
  12. Converting video from a mac to pc
  13. Easy, quick, affordable, good - does it exist?
  14. Locating an animated background/overlay/lowerthird!
  15. Created a 24p project in AE, need to export for broadcast - Now what do I do?
  16. Why does after effects take so long??
  17. Growing shadowesque thing
  18. Timur Bekmambetov
  19. Real time chroma key hardware?
  20. Few people makes a crowd
  21. dvMattePro 3... OMG!
  22. Edit in Premiere - Conform in AFX - at 16 bit
  23. Creating stills in Photoshop
  24. Tutoring for AE 6.5
  25. shooting 2 actors separately then compositing
  26. Ducati: The Evolution Continues
  27. New Special Effects TEST!
  28. a few simple gag (trick) films
  29. Put Audio in AE Cs3
  30. AE Render File Question, Multi or Single?
  31. Best shutter speed for greenscreen?
  32. Was AE used to do this...?
  33. 60i slow motion; I lose some quality, correct?
  34. Adobe Ultra Virtual Sets
  35. Rendered Images in HDV with FCP
  36. Any real difference between "true" 24p and Magic Bullet 60i/24p conversion?
  37. Rotoscoping filter for DV Filmmkaer
  38. Are there any advantages to importing MXF files in AE?
  39. AE doesn't work with QT 7.4
  40. After Effects 8.0.2 is live, as is an updated Help document.
  41. After Effects vs. Motion
  42. I'm getting this strange echo effect in AE CS3
  43. Weirdness with AE 7 pro and m2t
  44. For those running AE CS3
  45. Can I use Ultra for keying HD?
  46. Too broad of a scope?
  47. A transition like this
  48. Diff bet Photoshop CS3 and PS CS3 Extended?
  49. Apple PRO RESS support in Ater effects 3.0 ? Need help fast
  50. Is AE CS2 the same as AE 7.0?