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Kin Kwan June 16th, 2005 11:18 PM

No problem, man.

Rob Lohman June 17th, 2005 02:43 AM

The best thing to do is to experiment. Not everyone likes the same approach.
Unfortunately I do not use Premiere, but my guess would be to start out with
the Color Balance filter. It should allow you to shift the hue (color). Change it
till it looks "okay" to you.

Most serious NLE's today have good correction tools that may even include
white balancing tools (or a way to do this with your program. Just do a google
search like this: "Premiere Pro" "white balance")

Ray Van Eng June 17th, 2005 11:13 PM

AVI files from AE 6.5 can't be seen in PPro 1.51
The saved DV file is in 4:3 not 16:9 though. Any way to correct that? Also, I presume choosing None in codec results in better quality or less lose in subsequent ediitng or rendering? true?

Btw, I don't have Aspect HD in my PC and wonder if it is possible to render that file in Cineform AVI inside PPro 1.51. I guess not.

Ray Van Eng June 17th, 2005 11:53 PM

MPEG audio gone in PPro 1.51
I have PPro 1.51 and have imported m2t files from a JVC HD10U camcoder. After changing the file extension from m2t to mpg, I was able to view and edit the HDV footage. But the audio was gone however, been trying to find out how to correct that though.

Josh Woll June 18th, 2005 09:52 AM

Recorder ERROR: Scratch Disk is locked or unavailable
One day Premiere is working fine and now I get this error message whenever I try to capture video. I've used two different camcorders and tried a different port through my firewire card. I've looked all around the preferences within Premiere and there is no lock feature for the scratch disk. I've also captured video through a different program. Anyone have any ideas please because I can't find this error message on the internet anywhere! Thank you so much.

Josh Woll
JW Productions

Josh Woll June 18th, 2005 10:52 AM

Nevermind about the post. For anyone interested, if this problem ever happens to you it's because my external drive was turned off and the location of where I had the scratch disk folder set on was not being recognized. I changed the location to my C:\ drive and everything works fine. Duh! Thank you

Ed Smith June 18th, 2005 02:08 PM

Thanks for letting us know Josh!

Its always the easy ones that give you the most trouble ;-)


Josh Woll June 18th, 2005 08:06 PM

No Problemo Ed,

Yeah, you would think after that error message Adobe could have included a short message saying "You should change the location of your scratch disk." Make it a WHOLE lot easier for us!



Chris Vaglio June 18th, 2005 09:36 PM

Good Slow Motion?
I have PP 1.5 and I have the DVX100A, When I tried to do slow motion, it is very stuttery and not smooth at all. I know that this is video, but even on my older systems the slow motion at least looked smooth. What am I doing wrong? Is it the shooting or the software? Just so you know, I have the Matrox RTX100X.

Thanks !!!!

Aanarav Sareen June 19th, 2005 12:06 AM

It really depends on how much you are reducing the speed to. But, if you have After Effects, I would do all (or most) of my slow-motion there using the Time Remapping fuction.

Rob Lohman June 19th, 2005 04:22 AM

You need to extract the audio from the MPEG first (with something like bbTools)
and load that separately. That should solve your problems.

Adam Kampia June 19th, 2005 06:23 AM

Ditto using AE. But if you must use Premiere, change the speed in "round" increments of 25%, 50%, 75%, 150%, etc., as opposed to 42.35% or whatever.

It does make a difference.

Anita Hu June 20th, 2005 01:12 PM

VHS to computer
What is the best way to import VHS so that I can edit in Premiere? Do I need any special hardware?

My current thinking is VHS to TV and record TV with my Camera...but that seems like alot of work...so any input would be greatly appreciated!


Boyd Ostroff June 20th, 2005 01:19 PM

Most of the better camcorders have "DV pass-through" which would allow you to connect your VHS deck directly to video inputs on the camera using either RCA plugs (composite video) or S-video. You will probably have to activate an option in the camera's menu for this - see your owners manual.

Just be aware that VHS quality is very poor and it will look way inferior to most DV originated material. Also, if you're trying to get a commercial VHS tape into Premiere the pass-through approach probably won't work. These tapes contain a copy protection signal which the camera will recognize and refuse to transcode.

Now if you camera doesn't have the pass-through feature, there are some relatively inexpensive USB and Firewire boxes that will let you put composite or s-video into the computer. You should find a few of these at the big box stores like CompUSA, or you can buy them online.

Brian Handler June 20th, 2005 02:16 PM

I was cutting in a voice clip over a narration error and it errored out w/o a msg probably 15 times within a few minutes. I was gettign to the point that I'd adjust a keyframe and save and just repeating that process. It only happened on that project but it makes me nervous for the future.

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