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Dan Vance June 30th, 2005 08:52 PM

Capturing B&W footage
I'm trying to capture footage shot with a monochrome (vidicon) camera, recorded on VHS, using Premiere 6.5. For some reason, it will not capture. With the exact same setup (analog to firewire converter), I can put any "regular" VHS tape in and it captures fine, but just doesn't seem to "see" the monochrome footage. Anyone have any idea why?

Brian Handler July 1st, 2005 07:25 AM

hmm do you have a new quicktime installed?

Paulo Figueiredo July 1st, 2005 08:19 AM


Been trying to do the same here...with no luck at all.
The only solution (not the perfect one) seems to be encoding .MP4's to DV AVI's.
Maybe someone knows of a plugin that allows MP4 in premiere?
For me this is a one-off situation...but for someone that does this often there must be a better solution.



Henry Cho July 1st, 2005 11:58 AM

just another consideration...

you should also remember that dv is displayed at a .9 pixel aspect ratio on a computer screen. i always size/crop my photos to 720x540, then squish them down vertically to 720x480. everything will look "fatter" on the computer screen, but will display properly when kicked back out to video.

Miguel Lombana July 1st, 2005 01:43 PM

Multiple Aspect Project - Premier / Canopus
I'm running a Canopus system with a Raptor RT2 Max and Premier Pro 1.5 on a 2.8g HT-P4 with 2 gigs of ram.

I'm in the process of editing a project that was shot in both 16:9 and 4:3 and just found that my settings for Premier Pro 1.5 with the Raptor RT2 Max choke (run out of buffer) on the 4:3 side when the project is 16:9 or run out of buffer on the 16:9 footage when imported to a 4:3 project. Basically realtime playback is lost. My goal was to do a 4:3 project for native mode 4:3 and then the 16:9 would letterbox when imported.

I guess the issue is, what do I need to do in order to get realtime from both formats when working in the 4:3 project and editing the 16:9 footage.

The only workaround I've found is to edit each footage in it's native format as it's own project and them import them into the 4:3 for some final cuts and transitions between them, then the only issue will be a render time.

Any ideas?


Post Extr

George Odell July 1st, 2005 03:23 PM

It may be the sync signal on the tape has issues. Is the VHS the original or was it duped from some other "older" source tape. Vidicon cameras go way back and there were 1/4", 1/2" and 1" reel to reel tape formats that created tapes of marginal sync stability with lots of tearing, pedestal too low and overmodulated whites, etc. Dubbing from them without correcting these problems only compounded the problem in the dupes.

I would try feeding the tape through a time base corrector, if you can get hold of one, to see if replacing the distorted sync with new, stable sync will correct the problem.

You can also try dubbing the VHS tapes onto a DV deck first. If they record to DV tape then use the firewire output to get them into your computer.

Write back with what you can find out.

BTW: I don't think this would have any affect but, those B&W tapes will not have any color burst and this may be confusing the A to D converter you are using and it is closing down somehow. A TBC will add burst to the B&W signal!

Harry Lender July 1st, 2005 03:38 PM

Photo Wall Montage for PPro 1.5
Wrigley has a tutorial on making a picture montage using Photoshop 7 to make a PS layer. It's called the "Photo wall montage". I am new to Photo shop 7. I have Premiere Pro 1.5 and have access through a friend to Photoshop 7. I am working on a wedding and would like to use this idea for it. Could anyone give me step by step instructions on how to custruct the PS file that is refered to. I've searched but cannot find a tutorial for making the PS file. Here is the link for the tutorial.
Thanks ahead of time.

Dylan Tucker July 1st, 2005 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Brian Handler
hmm do you have a new quicktime installed?

I do have quicktime installed... I can use .mov files, just not mp4

James Darren July 2nd, 2005 02:56 AM

Premiere Pro Install Problem
Hi all,

I've just installed Premiere Pro on my new PC. It installs all ok but when I go to start the program up it loads partially then says:

"Adobe Premiere Pro could not load any audio drivers. Please reinstall Adobe Premiere Pro & start again"

Does anyone know how to overcome this? Is it because I have a new PC & have no audio drivers yet?

Any help will be greatly appreciated....

Harold Tully July 2nd, 2005 03:10 PM

opening files in premiere
Hey guys, i was wondering if anyone could shed some light on why i cant open mpeg2 files in premiere. it says invalid audio format, format not supported. dv avi and avi files and WM are fine, but i cant reopen files i have compiled with encore (ac3) nor mpeg files that i made with premeire seems to be just mpeg and ac3 adio files??

Dan Vance July 2nd, 2005 08:12 PM

That makes a lot of sense. This VHS was a transfer of the ancient Cartrivision format. So maybe it's either bad sync pulses, or lack of color burst, or both, preventing the converter from recognizing the signal. I'll try both your suggestions of recording to DV tape first, or using a TBC if I can find one.

Barry Gribble July 2nd, 2005 08:51 PM

PPro Interlacing My Graphics

I just picked up a PPro project I had been working on a few months ago... now all of the moving graphics and titles are showing up interlaced. I figure I must have thrown a global switch somewhere. It wasn't this way when I worked on it before.

For the clip, the Field Options -> Processing Options = "none", but changing it to "always deinterlace" doesn't seem to make a difference.

Any suggestions on what may have changed?

Thanks in advanced.

Christopher Lefchik July 2nd, 2005 08:55 PM

Do you mean you are seeing a combing effect in the program monitor? Are the clips from another program like After Effects, or were they animated in Premiere Pro?

Christopher Lefchik July 2nd, 2005 09:00 PM

Premiere Pro doesn't support AC3 audio for importing/editing.

If at all possible one should go back and use the source footage instead of using MPEG-2 for editing, as MPEG-2 has been through quite a bit of compression.

Tim Brechlin July 2nd, 2005 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Dylan Tucker
I do have quicktime installed... I can use .mov files, just not mp4

That's because QuickTime 7, the first QuickTime to use h.264 MPEG-4 files, isn't available on the PC yet (although a beta version was released, what, two weeks ago?).

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