This newbie uses a stone age version/HELP! at
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Adobe Creative Suite
All about the world of Adobe Premiere and its associated plug-ins.

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Old March 7th, 2006, 07:37 PM   #1
Major Player
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 339
This newbie uses a stone age version/HELP!


I have a tiny bit of experience with Premere Pro 6.5 and am trying to learn the basics for starters!I'm trying to import about 20 minutes of footage at a time from tape so I can practice cutting with the razor tool.What happens is either one of two things:

a)After selecting the file or folder I let go of the mouse and nothing happens or:
b)I see the hour glass and the app locks up and freezes.Adobe stops "responding".Same thing happens over and over and over.

I personally saw this what should be a very basic,simple process successfully done in a studio last night,but after going home I could not duplicate what I saw demonstrated.I also couldn't see the audio waveforms dsiplayed on the timeline which would help me to know where to truncate the clip.

1)Is there a way I can allocate more memory to the program or is there a video cache involved?

2)What would prevent a successful capture into AP 6.5 so it can be cut & edited from within?

I tell you what really drives me crazy & perplexes me!I can input the same video clip with no problems to Window Movie Maker 2 (which was free) in about 2-3 minutes but Adobe crashes every time!It will not accept this avi file or any others tried.

3)Should my settings and preferences be set and saved to a certain combination to ensure better results or at least better my chances.

4)How much memory do I need,at a minumum...reccomended,etc.

A newbie at this.. just trying to make sense out of it.Please have patience and explain this mystery.

Thank you.

Bruce Pelley is offline   Reply With Quote
Old March 7th, 2006, 10:27 PM   #2
Inner Circle
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Elk Grove CA
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Sounds like an equipment problem, memory or something like that What are your equipment specs. Also, could be a bad install. Try reinstall. I used 6.5 for years on a 1.7 ghz Pentium, with 512 mgs and it was fine....
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old March 7th, 2006, 11:18 PM   #3
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: US
Posts: 1,152
Bruce, I just answered your similar post in the Non-linear DV Editing on the PC thread before seeing this post. It looks like you probably posted there first before coming across this dedicated Premiere section, so I'll excuse you this time. ;-) But in the future, please try to post about a problem in one section. One thread makes it easier for those of us who are trying to help you keep track of the status of your problem.
Christopher Lefchik is offline   Reply

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