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#1426 |
RED Code Chef
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Richard: I know! Although I've never done it that way I know how
this is done especially in the documentary world. I take a different approach if I have massive amounts of footage (which I can't capture). I go through the tapes and make notes which takes I want to capture (like if I shot 5 takes of a scene, 2 - 3 takes might be unusable (actor forgot lines, too dark, etc.). So I end up with 2 - 3 takes that are okay and could be just. I make notes and then only capture those scenes maintaining flexibility in editing (in the case that I really need some other takes (or part of, since they where bad) I can always refer back to my notes to see what extra takes there are for this scene and capture those as well) However, there are probably programs out there that allow you to "capture" (more like realtime convert) a DV stream in some other format. You can even do this by simply getting a videocard with analog in or a TV tuner board and simply capture the analog DV out of your camera in a 50% high compression MJPEG file for example. The only problem I see with this is how are you going to substitute the full high resolution footage without timecode (which conversion to another format will 99.99% surely not maintain!) etc. in an easy (automated) fashion (since there is a LOT of footage)! If anyone wants to go down this road I suggest to thoroughly try the COMPLETE workflow before doing it that way, so you are not going to get into a lot of problems later on (like lots of manual work [which could've better been spent upfront looking at the stuff, which you always want to do before editing anyway!] or problems where footage is longer or off by a couple of frames etc.) I know AVID (and FCP) has full support for this. However the lesser programs (in that regard) like Premiere might not, so that's not really helpful for the original poster (since we are in the Premiere forum!) With DV I'm just inclined to do it the other way (as I described above). Besides even laptops are powerful in both processing and harddisk space. Disk space is cheap these days. For example, my laptop has 80 GB of internal space and an external (USB2/firewire) connected drive with another 160 GB. On just the external harddisk I can store over 12 hours of RAW (=compressed) DV material. If I where to make a 2 hour movie that is 6:1 ratio, which is more than enough footage for me to sift through (so if I have more I can always decide beforehand which 12 hours I want to capture). Then let's say I have 20 GB of software and other stuff installed on my system (that's a lot), I still have 60 GB remaining (which is 4.5+ hours of RAW DV footage) to output stuff and do MPEG2 encodings or music mixing etc. Another thing you can wonder about is if having so much material to work with (either not captured, offline or online) is a good thing, but that also ofcourse depends on the project, experience and what works for you or not.... I hope this explains my "feelings" etc. a bit better.
Rob Lohman, visuar@iname.com DV Info Wrangler & RED Code Chef Join the DV Challenge | Lady X Search DVinfo.net for quick answers | Buy from the best: DVinfo.net sponsors |
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#1427 |
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How do I apply "Stop motion" to an imported clip in AdobrePremierePro 1.5
UPDATE: Just go to this link then you see what I want. It's called "Stop motion" or "Stop-frame motion" http://www.nickhodge.com/mne.php?mcid=397 The problem is that the userinterface of PremierePro 1.5 does not look like the userinterface of Premiere that is used in the example in the link above...... So how do I make this work in AdobePremierePro 1.5 on a clip that is allready captured? ***** ORIGINAL QUESTION BELOW.... I'm new to PremierePro and want to do something special (effect) to a video-clip on the timeline. I could not find this effect listed so here is what I want to do. I would like to repeat frames in a clip. I would like to be able to decide how many times the repeated frame is repeated. I want to keep the duration for the clip in the timeline unchanged. In more detail: I want to be able to decide how long in (seconds or milliseconds) each frame is to be repeated or eventually to decide how many frames the repeated frame should span. The software should handle the clip like this: 1. Start with the first frame in clip and repeat as long or as many frames I specified. 2. Then sample the next frame. 3. Repeat this fram as long or as many frames I specified. 4. Repeat 2 and 3 until end of clip is reached. The duration of the clip should be the same after the effect is applied as the original imported clip. NB! The footage is interlaced video. I do not want to apply a slow motion effect as it is done when adjusting speed/duration of the clip in PPro. - Is there a name for this? - Can I do this in PremerePro without any plugins or extra software? - If this cannnot be done in PremierePro, is there any other software out there (not to expensive though) that can do this.
Tore |
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#1428 |
Join Date: May 2003
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Do I understand correctly that you want to "freeze frame" your video, in other words have a single frame displayed for perhaps several seconds?
Two ways that I can think of to do this are to: - take a frame grab using File>>Export>>Frame, choose your settings, and then place the frame on the timeline on top of the place you want it. I think PPro defaults to displaying a still image for 5 seconds, but you can change it to whatever you want. This is the way I'd do it. Be watchful of interlace/progressive and aspect ratio settings when you save your still frame. - put an instance of the clip 1 frame long on top and then change the speed of just that clip so it plays longer. PPro should just repeat that one frame. You can delete the useless stretched audio track for the 1 frame clip if you want. ---- EDIT: Re-reading your post, I see that you want to do "freeze-frame" for a successive series of frames. The ways I've suggested so far would be tedious! Although you said you don't want to do slow motion, You actually CAN use PPro's speed/duration function for what you want. First, you must disable Frame Blending: Clip>>Video Options>>Field Options>>(uncheck/disable) Frame Blending. Otherwise, frame blending will use your fields to interpolate for a smoother slow motion, which you didn't want. Now you can simply trim a clip instance to just the frames you want and pick a very slow speed. In PAL, 1% would cause each original frame to appear for 4 seconds, then the next would appear for 4 seconds... ---- Let me know if I've understood correctly what you want to do. Happy New Year!
Pete Bauer The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. Albert Einstein Trying to solve a DV mystery? You may find the answer behind the SEARCH function ... or be able to join a discussion already in progress! |
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#1429 |
Inner Circle
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AS you point out, working with DV rarely requires such downconverting, and your workflow is typical of a workaround for dealing with large ammounts of material. I posted my explanaition of "WhY' someone would want to do this... A)After you asked why the poster would B) After the original poster posted that he normally worked in FILM and Digibeta with a downconvert. I was simply outlining (To anyone reading the board) what HIS reasons might be for a film/digibeta/SD workflow was. Feature films with a decent budget will have a much higher ratio than 6 to 1 in terms of footage. And the documentary I am currently editing has thirty hours of footage for what will be a one hour project. (And I could have used another thirty!) Didn't mean to imply that you didn't understand the workflow, just filling in the gaps for others, by answering your questions. Happy New Year! |
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#1430 |
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Hi Pete and thanks for reply.
I tried what you suggested and it did not work as I was hoping..... I might have done something wrong... but I try to explain again what I'm looking for. Let say I have imported a video clip that is 10 secods in length. Then say I would like to repeat every sixth frame in that clip and maintaining original clip length. The result would be like this: Frame 1-5 should be like frame 1. (original frame 2-5 will be replaced by frame 1) Frame 6-10 should be like frame 6. (original frame 7-10 will be replaced by frame 6) Frame 11-15 should be like frame 11. (original frame 12-15 will be replaced by frame 11) And so on until processing whole clip. Important that playback time of clip is not altered because I want it in sync with original audio of that clip. I would very much like the software to handle the copy and replacing of frames as this would be very timeconsuming.... I just want to enter a number of how often the software should make a new sample (copy) of a frame and press go or drag to clip to create the desired effect. Hope this was more understandable :-)
Tore |
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#1431 |
New Boot
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Thanks Jacob!
After fiddling with it a bit I figured it out. I just came back to post my findinds but you beat me to it! That is in fact what happens. Thanks again for your response.
Doc |
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#1432 |
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Hi again.
After some more search on the net i found this link which does what I want .... BUT it does not work as suggested with PremierePro 1.5 since the userinterface is no longer the same. Do you know how to apply that "effect" in Premiere Pro 1.5 ? The "effect" is called "Stop motion" or "Stop-frame motion" Here is the link.. http://www.nickhodge.com/mne.php?mcid=397
Tore |
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#1433 |
Join Date: May 2003
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The solution is (drum roll please): Effects>>Video Effects>>Time>>POSTERIZE TIME Not sure why Adobe changed the way this all works, but Hold Frame rolls footage until you hit the frame it is supposed to hold on and then gives a static image of that. The capability you're looking for is now a PPro 1.5 EFFECT called Posterize time. EDIT: Tore...and I thank you very much for asking the question. I just now realized that several hours of very old family 8mm film footage that was poorly telecined to give every third frame irretrievable artifacts can be dealt with very handily by this. I've messed with this in PPro and AE for endless hours over the past year or more and couldn't figure out how to do this. You saved me hundreds of dollars and much aggravation by leading me to a simple solution I had at my fingertips the whole time!
Pete Bauer The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. Albert Einstein Trying to solve a DV mystery? You may find the answer behind the SEARCH function ... or be able to join a discussion already in progress! |
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#1434 |
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Hi again Pete.
Tried your suggestion late yesterday. And it worked great. Thanks a lot for that tip. However, I see now that I need to do something more to get the final effect I'm looking for. Since you also obviously like this effect maybe you have a suggestion to my last challenge as well.... Okay... let say I used your technique to make the "stop motion" to the clip. What I would like to do now is to: 1. Be able to mark several different areas (frames) in the timeline of that specific clip. In a non-continous manner and each area can be of different length. 2. Remove the previously "stop motion" effect for all the marked (selected) areas in the timeline for the clip. (it might be that this step is not needed) 3. Apply the same effect to these marked areas but now with a different frame-rate. I once saw a video using something that looked like "stop motion". But some areas of that video had less "stop motion", that is, a higher frame rate applied to it. I must say it looked great. But again, the whole clip must still be in lip sync with the audio clip so I must be able to use the same technique you found. ***** FAR OUT START **** After testing and looking around in PremerePro to figure out how to do the above I also came to think about another thing that would be nice to be able to do. To apply "Stop motion effect" to one or many persons (moving objects) in the clip. This is probably a lot more complicated to do, but the end result could be a lot more interesting as well. Would I need AfterEffects to do this or is there any other cheaper tools out there i could use to to this. ***** FAR OUT END ***** Again, thanks a lot and happy new year to you to .....
Tore |
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#1435 |
RED Code Chef
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I think I must have missed that original film line, sorry about that.
No problem Richard! It's always good to have different views etc., and we value the opinion/experience/knowledge that everybody brings to table! Just wanted to elaborate a bit <g>
Rob Lohman, visuar@iname.com DV Info Wrangler & RED Code Chef Join the DV Challenge | Lady X Search DVinfo.net for quick answers | Buy from the best: DVinfo.net sponsors |
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#1436 |
RED Code Chef
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I've moved this thread to our Adobe Premiere forum, also renamed
the title since it no longer needs to have the name in it.
Rob Lohman, visuar@iname.com DV Info Wrangler & RED Code Chef Join the DV Challenge | Lady X Search DVinfo.net for quick answers | Buy from the best: DVinfo.net sponsors |
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#1437 |
Join Date: May 2003
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I'm not sure I can exactly picture the complex special effects that you envision.
I suspect this might work for you though: Once you apply the Posterize Time effect to a clip, open the Effects Control window for the effect and add keyframes. You can then set the frame rate that you want to take effect at each keyframe. There is a caveat in the Online Help for that effect -- it cannot use Bezier interpolation, only "Hold" which means each that the frame rate will change abruptly at each keyframe. So if you want a smooth change from, say 25fps to 1fps, you'd need to place several keyframes, each with a slightly slower framerate, to give a smooth appearance to the framerate change. I tried this and it looks like it works pretty well; it took just a couple of minutes to set up a change from 30fps to 1fps in 3fps steps. Happy New Year!
Pete Bauer The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. Albert Einstein Trying to solve a DV mystery? You may find the answer behind the SEARCH function ... or be able to join a discussion already in progress! |
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#1438 |
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Thanks again Pete for the tip to use keyframes.
It did the trick. Great help.
Tore |
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