Anyone want to buy some microwax? - Page 3 at
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Old July 24th, 2005, 11:48 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by Bill Porter
There's a place in L.A. that sells it in 1/4 lb bags, for $1.79.
Do you have a link?
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Old July 24th, 2005, 12:14 PM   #32
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Oscar, I'm takin some serious hating from you on this thread and you've subsequently ignored my posts on all others and I'm not really sure why, but I think it stems from the fact that I said your method was "imperfect," even while admitting that it's the best thing we've got so far.

I've repeated OVER and OVER and OVER that the price I'm charging is not a good deal, and I'll repeat it: you can find microwax for much, much less elsewhere. The only issue is, everyone may not have an "elsewhere" down the street as you and I do. So, in the benevolent spirit of the boards you've accused me of abusing, I offered to go through a great deal of trouble to ship this stuff out to other people. I didn't say I was going to ask for 9 dollars for a dollar or two worth of wax, either, I said I'd charge shipping, plus a dollar or two to cover the cost of materials, plus a couple dollars to cover how much time it takes for me to hack this stuff up and wrap it, then go down to the post office and mail it out. I'll add that I work the exact same hours that the post office is open, so I'll have to do all this during my lunch break. I'm not trying to profit form this--the most total profit I would make under these circumstances would be about 10-15 dollars for a couple hours work, which is less than minimum wage. And, given that something could go wrong/get lost in the mail/unexpectedly cost more than I'm assuming (also accounting for paypal fees) I may very well not make any money for going through a great deal of trouble. And I'm okay with that. I'm not a sculptor, I don't have a car battery charger, and for me this is a considerable amount of work.

Tomorrow I'm going to go to the post office (during my lunch break) and get exact price quotes for shipping domestically and overseas. I'll then post my paypal address on this forum and ship either Tuesday or Wednesday. Again, during my lunch break. I'm sorry I can't give out freebies as Oscar seems to be suggesting I should--I'm not a company sending out a sample to a prospective buyer, just someone trying to do people a favor without losing too much money while I'm at it.
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Old July 24th, 2005, 12:17 PM   #33
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If there is a company in LA that will ship for $1.79 a bag, please do post the link. Honestly, I'm doing this as a favor, and would rather not have to go through the trouble. The ten dollars I could make from this (but probably won't) are not worth all the time, effort, and insults.

If they don't ship overseas, I would be more than willing to ship to Europe, though, and I will quote prices tomorow as soon as I stop by USPS.

EDIT: The 9 dollar estimate I made covered shipping fees. Rereading what I wrote, I can see how this would be confusing. Although my latest guess is that to Europe the final cost would be about 9-10 dollars, domestically would be 6-7. I'll know better tomorrow. Again, not a good deal, but not a good deal for me either, if you know what I mean!
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Old July 24th, 2005, 04:14 PM   #34
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Come on Matthew, you are misreading my posts. I said:"I'm sure the intentions are good". Don't talk about serious hating, please.
What I'm saying is, that we are writing on a thread dedicated to microwax for almost a year now. If someone is writing there for sometime and struggles on finding microwax, then all of us will suggest to sent some wax for free. I even wrote someone that I'll sent him my test glass for nothing.
You have to be dedicated to make a good wax glass, so I'm afraid people go and buy your wax and will be dissapointed if it doesn't work out. $15 is a bit much for that.
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Old July 24th, 2005, 04:26 PM   #35
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I understand, but I'm not doing this to make money. In fact, if people really want, I'll ship it out for cost (although if it gets lost in the mail/there are any additional charges, I'm not responsible), but there's a difference between shipping to one person as a favor and shipping to 8-9, some of whom live halfway across the world, and most people understand that difference by being okay with me charging a couple dollars for my time. Certainly I've been up front about where the money is going. Cost would probably be about 6 dollars to the US, maybe 9 to Europe, and I'm only asking for two dollars above that. I'll check with the post office and see if I can't lower this, and I expect I may be able to significantly but--either way--I'm not out there to make money. My time is worth a lot more to me than that, anyhow. It's my lunch break, after all! But I see where you're coming from, I just don't agree.

Also, I just got capillary action working, so good results aren't impossible by any means. Capillary action is fast and a promises to be a very reliable method, although I'll have to experiment a bit more to get a thinner screen (I used thick tape). Admittedly, it's not perfect, but the wax is perfectly even and 100% free of air bubbles.
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Old July 25th, 2005, 04:06 PM   #36
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I went to the post office. Shipping in the US is $3.85, I think delivery confirmation is another 55 cents. So about $4.40.

Shipping to the UK was 7.55 plus delivery confirmation, which I think is a dollar or so to Europe. So, maybe 8-9 dollars.

I'll charge 3 dollars on top of this to cover the cost of wax, make sure I don't lose any money on this thing, and to cover the cost of possible screw ups or unexpected shipping charges/paypal fees. If you don't think this is fair, you don't need to buy any. In fact, considering the trouble this is taking and the fact that the most money I'd stand to make is about five dollars (I expect to make less than that), I'd almost rather people didn't.

So $7.50 in the US. $12.00 to Europe. I know this is pretty exorbinant (I'd sell the wax for a dollar if you came over here and cut a chunk out for yourself), but if you've been desperately looking for the stuff, at least you can buy it now. If you can find it elsewhere, buy it there. It's cheaper and less work for me. But if you've been looking all over and can't find it, send me a PM or an email at . The main reason I'm offering this is because--prior to finding a wholesaler nearby--I had been hoping someone else would set something up like this. If you're offended by my price, I apologize. I'm honestly doing this as a favor and am hurt by the negative response.

Paypal is by the way. The other address is for email only--sorry for the confusion. Also, don't email the comcast account, as I don't check it regularly.
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Old July 25th, 2005, 06:26 PM   #37
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I applaud your efforts and the spirit of generosity. But it doesn't always fly around here. Oscar is like this all the time, only, it's never him, it's always the other person. ;-)
We can cut him some slack. He's a sculptor and you know how they are!

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Old July 25th, 2005, 07:19 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Bill Porter

I applaud your efforts and the spirit of generosity. But it doesn't always fly around here. Oscar is like this all the time, only, it's never him, it's always the other person. ;-)
We can cut him some slack. He's a sculptor and you know how they are!

Why are there like 2 or 3 people floating around here with 2 or more accounts?
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Old July 25th, 2005, 08:22 PM   #39
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That sounds good. how much wax would we be getting?
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Old July 25th, 2005, 08:25 PM   #40
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8-9oz is about what will fit into a priority mail envelope. I posted a picture earlier of 9oz worth--it's a little smaller smaller than a can of coke: maybe 1.5''X3''X4'' or so.
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Old July 25th, 2005, 08:59 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Kyle Edwards
Why are there like 2 or 3 people floating around here with 2 or more accounts?
If you mean Oscar, I see him post enough good info that I don't care whether he has more than one account.

Same goes for Matt.

And If you mean me you're sorely mistaken, LOL!
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Old July 25th, 2005, 10:16 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Jeff Phang
That sounds good. how much wax would we be getting?
(asked the "busy bee") <Just enough for a "King size honeycomb"> (answered the Queen) (sorry guys.... cough cough, I just can't help it here...rotf) no harm done...
Now... bee good, don't sting and you'll live...
http://www.susanscustomcreepydolls.c...sting-doll.jpg OK, ok, ENOUGH's enough!!!
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Old July 25th, 2005, 10:48 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Bill Porter
And If you mean me you're sorely mistaken, LOL!
Obviously not.
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Old July 26th, 2005, 02:22 AM   #44
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Place your bets!!

Not to derail this thread, but, it's obvious huh? Betcha a hundred bucks right here in public that I can prove you utterly and totally wrong.

I'll call you and let my CA area code/number, and my name, pop up on your caller ID. Maybe you can even have Chris Hurd check my IP. It shows Ventura, CA. What a concept!

Get a grip on your paranoia.


I ain't Matt: Matt's phone number is on his contact info on some website back east. And when I saw his offer to help people by divvying up some wax and shipping it on his own lunch break, I thought, Oh man, this guy is either naive, or a glutton for punishment... here come the posts saying he's ripping people off.

I ain't Jon: He uses way more lowercase than I do. And he's in Washington.

I ain't Oscar: Part of him still thinks I'm Jonathan. And he's in the Netherlands.

I ain't Dan: I'm not nice enough. And he's in Canada.

And I sure as heck don't care about what anybody on thinks, so I have no need for alter egos. I'm here to learn and to share info, not care who thinks what of me.

Now email me your number so I can call you and you can send me your - sorry, MY - hundred dollars.

Back to the Matt's microwax thread....
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Old July 26th, 2005, 06:09 AM   #45
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Bill Houser is just making fun of me, I'm sure. But again for the record....I don't say Matthew is ripping people off. Not at all. I say that the price itself is too high this way for a piece of wax. I'm trying to help people here (obviously, because I have two working 35mm adapters for some time now).
Oscar Spierenburg is offline   Reply

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