Anyone want to buy some microwax? at
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Old July 20th, 2005, 04:19 PM   #1
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Anyone want to buy some microwax?

Today I just bought 10 pounds of white microwax. My first tests have really impressed me, although I have yet to assemble a decent focusing screen with it (mostly since I'm lazy). But it's clearly much better than beeswax. It reminds me most of the wax that they have on cheese that is chewy and malleable. I'm just wondering (since ten pounds is about 9.9 pounds more than I need) if anyone would be interested in buying some. A lot of people seem to be having trouble getting it (and it's very hard to get, except in bulk, in most places) so I might be willing to ship out small quantities. Just wondering if there's much interest. I'm not deluding myself into thinking I'll actually make some money.
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Old July 21st, 2005, 04:49 AM   #2
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I may be interested in buying a small amount off you. I did some test with wax in the very very early stages of my adapter, then i just bought the optosigma ground glass. However, i would still like to try the microwax technique. Im in the UK, so hope shipping to the UK would be ok? I have a paypal account, so that maybe the easiest for payment.

Let me know how much your looking for? I would love to share knowledge and experience in this technique.

Let me know mate!

Wayne Kinney is offline   Reply With Quote
Old July 21st, 2005, 08:42 AM   #3
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I'm not sure what shipping to the UK is like, but if it's not too much trouble, I could see about sending an envelope of it over. The cost of the wax is pretty nominal compared with shipping probably, so it probably wouldn't cost too much more than shipping alone. I'll see if I can fit a reasonable amount in a standard envelope (wrapped in cellophane or something).
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Old July 21st, 2005, 09:25 AM   #4
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Even if one envelope is not enough, maybe TWO will do.... Just make sure it does not show, so pips do not get paranoid about anthrax or something. You could use some from the stationary (air foam or bubble). Just for the sake of knowing, (and testing it) I might get some...
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Old July 21st, 2005, 10:53 AM   #5
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I am still interested in buying some from you.

Please could you email me the details at

Do you have a paypal account?

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Old July 21st, 2005, 11:09 AM   #6
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I do have a paypal account. I'll try to get some pictures of the wax up later today. It seems to be really good (perfect neutral white, melts at 174 degrees F but soft at room temperature, much finer grain than beeswax).

I'm not sure how much I should charge since I'll admit the wax is pretty cheap (and I have more than I need), but shipping could be a pain with delivery confirmation and everything.
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Old July 21st, 2005, 12:48 PM   #7
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I think I would be interested as well. I really have a hard time even getting decent bee's wax here.
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Old July 21st, 2005, 04:02 PM   #8
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Count me in too!
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Old July 21st, 2005, 04:19 PM   #9
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Please let me know about how much the wax and postage will be and i can paypal you.

im hoping the more of us testing out this technique the more we can learn from each other.

Let me know,
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Old July 21st, 2005, 05:57 PM   #10
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I wouldn't mind trying some also. I have Paypal also.
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Old July 21st, 2005, 09:32 PM   #11
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Wow, I never expected so much interest.

Well, the cost of shipping (priority mail--two days) looks like about $4.50 including delivery confirmation. Shipping to Europe (which is much slower--just over a week) looks like it's about $7 or so. I'd probably ship somewhere around half a pound (way more than you'd ever need unless you go crazy with it) and would wrap it in cellophane and/or a ziplock bag.

What price sounds fair? I'm thinking around 8-9 dollars, which covers cost plus a couple bucks since shipping stuff out and making sure it arrives is always a headache, plus paypal fees. The cost of the wax is almost nominal (and I have way more than I need, anyhow), but shipping is quite expensive. I could probably cut the cost to about half that if I found a way to ship in a normal envelope, maybe with two stamps on it (this would only apply to domestic shipping, though.) Of course, that probably wouldn't be as durable.

Anyhow, 10 bucks or so isn't much in the long run, it's just a shame that shipping and handling is considerably more than the actual cost of the wax. Then again, I did buy from a wholesaler, so it cost me about half of what some art supply stores sell for, and they sell in 10 pound increments, too.

And, yes, I'd definitely like to see what people do to get more even focusing screens since I certainly think it's possible to make very good ones, only the current methods are a bit time consuming and could be more reliable. I'm going to ask my genius friend what he recommends (he really is a genius--maybe the smartest person I've ever met) since he knows a great deal about physics and is quite practically-minded as well.
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Old July 21st, 2005, 10:01 PM   #12
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OK, so how do we throw the mon(k)ey at you? where do you live, what's your address, ph no, how old are you, what do you eat, when do you sleep, beepbeep , fb I can u hold the line? thanks, and how did you end up buying sooooo much white stuff and now you're selling it over the net? (off screen: he'll talk any minute now!) Sooo, is PayPal OK?
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Old July 21st, 2005, 10:29 PM   #13
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I don't need priority mail nor confirmation. That'd cut the shipping cost.

Just tell us a price for the wax that you feel happy with.
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Old July 22nd, 2005, 06:17 AM   #14
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<<<<<only the current methods are a bit time consuming and could be more reliable>>>>

That would be my method.... It takes a bucket and a flame and is done in 5 minutes. I've done it three times and 3 times succes. People have worked on this for months and months trying to find the best method, even tried to use vacuum pumps.
It just sounds nice that people can make a wax screen wile rolling a sigaret if we just get a better method, but it's not that simple. You'll just start over again and stumble on the same little obstacles Jim, Frank, Keith and me had.

I also found microwax in a (big) art suppliers store this week. It's used for batik's I guess. Also check hobby shops, they use it for candle making. Don't forget this stuff cost nothing...even at small stores.
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Old July 22nd, 2005, 11:02 AM   #15
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Didn't mean to insult your method--it's definitely the best thing anyone has thought of thus far, but I think it's something you have to get the feel for to make sure it works every time. I wonder how the guys who make the bosscreens pull this off?

Regarding pricing, I know what I'm asking is too expensive, but it's the shipping cost which is the issue. I'm going to go to Staples now and buy some cheap envelopes and see if I can't lower the price. I never expected there would be so much interest. I also need to find a scale and a sharp, clean knife to cut the stuff.
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