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Old July 14th, 2008, 12:03 AM   #16
New Boot
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Location: San Antonio, Texas United States
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Idea for that Bounce

Originally Posted by Alan Galbraith View Post
Yes it is the 8 foot model.

Problems... not really. There is a little bit of "bounce" you have to deal with. It might be due to the combined weight of the camera and counter balance... it might be a little much for the rig.... But I've yet to test it with my Sony VX1000 ( a much lighter camera) to see if its the same.

It may not be a problem with the crane, it may be just the operator.

I've just worked around it, given the crane a second to settle before starting shots, and using a steady hand (or NO hands) at the finish of the move.

The Dolly (with its rubber inflated wheels) exagerates the bounce. You get less with the tripod on solid ground, but its still there a little.

Not a killer, just something to be aware of. Using SMOOTH moves helps a TON.

Agian, its not a BIG deal, you can see a little of it in the footage I shot, but its not huge.

other than than... I've been REAL happy with it. Performs as advertised.

I've yet to run into something that made me go... I wish it did this... or... why did they make it that way.....
----So Happy that you are happy with the Jib. I plan to buy one after my EX1 purchase. I hope it goes well with a Letus on the end of the camera while on the Jib. Whoa.

Anyway, the reason I wanted to write you is that I think I might have a way you can take out some of the bounce in that dolly of yours. It stems from doing four wheeling at the beach. If you get stuck in the sand the way to get out, even with four wheel drive, is to save the tow truck money and let some of the air out of each tire. This gives not only more traction but also a smoother ride. Try letting the air out of the tires and see if the bounce doesn't bounce away from that dolly. A little air shouldn't cost much to at least try it. Let me know how it comes out if you decide to try it. Okay?

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Old July 14th, 2008, 12:15 AM   #17
New Boot
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Location: San Antonio, Texas United States
Posts: 20
Motorize Later?

Originally Posted by Andy Joyce View Post
Why did you choose the Kessler Crane over the Skycrane? I'm looking at the Kessler to get the 12 foot model (which converts to 8 foot).

Kessler and SkyCrane seem really cool and have the option to add a motor pivot at a later date.


What did you mean by "use a bungee cord" ? How would you control it?
Try looking with these guys and perhaps you can use one sooner at a lower price. Let me know what you think. Try

They've got a lot of stuff on their site one could make a jib.

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