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Old June 26th, 2003, 08:29 PM   #1
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Premiere vs vegas

Hey, I was considering purchasing vegas 4.0+dvd and I was wondering if vegas is very different from premiere (ie. quality etc.) and if its worth switching.
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Old June 26th, 2003, 08:44 PM   #2
Capt. Quirk
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That is a very hot topic around here. It has also been discussed in many threads. I for one, have tried Vegas, and will stick with Premiere. I also seem to be a minority in this.

As far as DVD authoring, I haven't gotten into it yet, so I haven't tried that either. But, I will probably wait for Adobes new DVD program and see about it then.
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Old June 26th, 2003, 08:48 PM   #3
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Yah I just got my DVD burner a few months ago and have been using various products (right now uleads dvd compleate) but have not been happy with any. Adobe says "Summer 2003" for encore, and hopefully thats going to be fairly soon. It sounds like it will be good. Hopefully they include it in the production bundle w/o raising the price too much considering thats what I will prob. purchase when I go off to collage (that of fcp)

btw I know both platforms have been discused throughly, but i searched for a comparison thread and didnt find any off hand. If there is one if anyone could point me too it, it would be very much appriciated


i just found a good thread on the subject
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Old June 27th, 2003, 01:20 AM   #4
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...As I heard, Premiere 7.0 will be ready to take back it's throne. I find Vegas a little different to work with. Of course this is a preference thing and by all means - it's a good thing but I'm still going to wait for the Premiere 7.0 which will be intergrated with Adobe Encore, plus some awesome features - Can't wait.
'What we perceive to be may not be what we believe to be.'
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Old June 27th, 2003, 02:23 AM   #5
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Well I have used both. I have been using Preimere for years and I have to say Vegas is far above Premiere and I don't see them changing Preimere anytime soon. I cannot stand substandard workflow of Premiere because I know they can do way better. I use Photoshop and After Effects everyday and both of those programs go far beyond Preimere. Personally I think they need to phase Premiere out and focus on their other products. It hasn't changed enough over the years to really cause for alarm.

Charles, just a joke here but here it is anyways.

I never realized Premiere was even in the same court as the other NLE products.

Sorry for that, I couldn't resist.

I would be happy to see Preimere get a huge upgrade but after using Vegas+DVD and going the whole way through to export to a dvd I don't think anything can save Premiere. I'm always happy to see what Adobe will give to dvd authoring with Encore. Should be a great future.

So back to the question. Make the change and do it now. Don't wait for something better or you will never acomplish anything. Get it, make your film/movies/whatever and be creative.

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Old June 27th, 2003, 04:14 AM   #6
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I used Premier for years and found it to be buggy and a bit "clunky". If it wasn't for the stability issue, which never went away for me from 4.8 up though version 6, I might have stayed with Premiere.

I am much happier with Vegas. It is powerful, reasonably intuitive and stable. My only regret is how long I took to switch.
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Old June 27th, 2003, 04:55 AM   #7
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I am yet another user. I made the switch (or am 'making' the switch) because of all that I have read here regarding the subject. So many people are passionate about Vegas, and there was a large number of Premiere users in particular that made the swtich to Vegas. I figured how could so many be wrong....well they weren't! Vegas is incredible- for one it's rock solid, it doesn't hang and it doesn't crash. That in itself is reason enough to at least be interested in it. That's not even mentioning it's power. It's a way, wayyyyy more robust NLE than Premiere. For example if you place one video track above another you can access compositing settings- similar to Photoshop with layers (hard light, overlay, darken, etc.) Options you'd have to usually get After Effects to make use of. Also the transitions and video effects are much more robust. You can add a video effect and have it affect only 1/2 of the screen to have a side by side comparison to what your doing to the clip. Pan/Crop tool- maybe a simple tool and highly overlooked by very indispencable to me. It's soooo much easier to use than the "motion" dialogue box in Premeire. A must for Wedding Videographers that need to do complex motion stills. And audio- forget about it- vegas owns ALL NLEs in this department!

Granted I'm a huge newbie when it comes to Vegas and I'm sure some more seasoned users can offer even BETTER points than I did about it. I truly believe the Premiere users that used it and stuck with Premiere didn't truly get a chance to get into it and see what it can do. I for one have to admit the total change in workflow (it's NOTHING like Premiere) is a bit daunting at first....I still feel very clumsy with it.
Don't even think about it- make the change man! You WONT regret it!!!!!

*Or do what I did, switch, but keep Premiere on the HD, that way if there is something you prefer doing in Premiere (ugh....don't know what that would be) you still have the option.
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Old June 27th, 2003, 08:31 AM   #8
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Oh wow I didnt realize there was going to be a premiere 7. I think I will just download the trial version of vegas and see how I like it. thanks for all the information.
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Old June 27th, 2003, 09:05 AM   #9
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I'm in the middle of trying out the switch myself. It's definitely different than Premiere, but I can't judge which is better yet.

I did find this link though, about Premiere 7.0 -

It's amazing how just a few promotional words can get you excited about anything...
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Old June 27th, 2003, 09:12 AM   #10
Capt. Quirk
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I'm liking what I see :)~
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Old June 27th, 2003, 09:19 AM   #11
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Brian, I wouldn't get your hopes up man. The problems we have with Premiere have been around for more than one incarnation of Premiere. Some going as far back as 4.0....mainly the instability- the program just doesn't like certian tasks and ends up locking on you. Very frusterating if you forget to save an hours worth of editing- which has happened to me more than a few times. Also it has intermitted oddities with certian tools and controls, ones that work one minute and don't the next....intermittent problems are the worst!

The only way Adobe can save Premiere is scratch it- totaly forget about it and rebuild the program from scratch. Adobe always releases new versions of software based on old builds....thus the fact various versions look so similar. I don't have my hopes up for Premiere 7 at all. Yeah, yeah they are touting the fact it has intigration with After Effects and Encore...but how much else do you think they are going to change. Honestly how much different was Photoshop 6 from 7. I can list it on one hand the changes.
I highly doubt they are going to plug up all the glitches in Premiere from 6.5 to 7. If they do, and add compositing effects, more robust audio editing, 24p and HD support maybe it'll be worth looking at. Time will only tell. Then again even if it does make all those changes and manage to become miraculously'll just "match" the power that Vegas already has....just for hundreds more than Vegas. *what a bargain*!

As you can tell I'm another scorned user of Premiere.
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Old June 27th, 2003, 10:36 AM   #12
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I remember all the hype about Premiere 6. Adobe finally admitted that Premiere 5 had "issues" and that they would be fixed by version 6. Well, my 6 was about as stable as my version 5. If anything Premiere 4 was more stable than either. YMMV.

If anything the delay in 7 suggests to me that the lastest and greatest is just the the old Premiere with more patches and fixes. I may be entirely wrong. Then again....
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Old June 27th, 2003, 11:03 AM   #13
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Convientatly I have premiere to auto-save every minute b/c of the unstability. I just got done putting togeather a 5 minute piece for my church on vacation bible school and premiere crashed at least once in the 3 days I was working on it (that auto-save feature saved me about a half-hour of re-work. Well i have to run, but i'll see what vegas has to offer. Thanks
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Old June 27th, 2003, 11:11 AM   #14
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I'm a member of the "have been using Premiere for years" crowd, but i've also tried Vegas. I haven't flat out switched yet, because i'm waiting for Premiere 7. Right now, I like Vegas better, but I'm already quite used to the workflow of Premiere, and switching is going to be a major pain in the ass for me. So I figure i'll try Premiere 7, and if I still prefer Vegas, i'll make the switch then.
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Old June 27th, 2003, 12:53 PM   #15
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It is funny how they can go on and on about a product, but when you really read the article it says nothing. All they do is play with the words to make you think they are saying something new. Kill Premiere and just let it die. No reason to beat a dead horse.

I haven't seen anything operate close to the way Vegas does. I cannot see Adobe making a change for the better with Premiere and if I was the president I would stop selling the product and focus on the other programs. Just a waste of talent, time and money.

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