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Taking Care of Business
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Old March 20th, 2005, 07:11 AM   #16
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<<<-- ...Get the point? -->>>

Yep, one always gets the point when they back up agin cacti. ;-)

--Ralph Roberts, CEO
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Old March 20th, 2005, 07:53 PM   #17
Inner Circle
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As far as i know, we got some swiss reporter bumped out of the USA (after one Day of detention) just because they present them to US custom without a special form (available from any US website embassy).
If you carry to much video equipment, they could becomes suspicious and telling them you are making movies and no news or documentary stuff should not help, as usually custom agents are likely bad ass at the full extent as the law allows them (and even more).
I know what i mean as my wife is cuban.....
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Old March 25th, 2005, 10:52 AM   #18
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A few suggestions: someone said you should tell Customs you are a hobbyist and you're going to film your vacation when, in fact, you are a professional planning to sell your video. I think you should be very careful not telling the truth to any government official. This sounds innocent to you and me but if someone knows a little about video equipment they might get the idea that your equipment is a step above most vacationers. The best policy is to always answer every question truthfully.

Second, if you plan to shoot on any Indian reservations please be aware that they have their own laws and may force you to stop filming. I have no idea how to get permission to shoot there. Perhaps go to the reservation headquarters and seek permits. Calling ahead might be possible but you may find it difficult to figure out whom to call.

As someone mentioned be very careful filming anything that might suggest terrorist activities. Mostly around large cities but anywhere avoid filming power plants, bridges, seaports, water works, electricity generation plants, government buildings, airports, etc. A lot of people here are very tense and won't hesitate stopping and questioning what you are doing.

Good luck.

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Old March 25th, 2005, 08:18 PM   #19
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Here are some sites that may help point you in the right direction. As previously stated. You do not want to come over and get caught in a lie when it comes to authorities. Police here are the same kind of people that they are in Europe. Usually the type who like to have power over people because it makes them feel better about themselves. Most of the time they are not very nice to foriegners. That means that if you are from a different state than them. Customs can go either way but with all of the extra security, they can be a real pain in the butt. Trust me, I was an airline pilot up until two months ago when I got laid off. I went through security on a daily basis and they still gave me a hard time constantly. I tool my XL2 through security in Richmond a week after I got laid off and they took every piece out of the bag and tested it for explosives right if front of everyone. @#%%@#$$^ers. I even requested that they not display everything in my bag and the acted like it wasn't that big of a deal. But in an airport, you can't turn your back on your bag for a second because someone who saw what you had could pick it up and board another airplane in the blink of an eye. And you can believe that the very security people who searched your bag, would be no help in trying to help you recover it. Because they have would have to admit to themselfs that they made you a theft target. Now don't let this scare you too much because I was on a pass that one of my fellow pilots had given me and the airline makes all people on passes selectees for extra screening. But if they see all the gadgets in you bags they will look.

My guess is that if you get a permit from any one state, and carry it with you, you should have no problem with customs.
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