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Wedding / Event Videography Techniques
Shooting non-repeatable events: weddings, recitals, plays, performances...

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Old November 19th, 2015, 08:09 AM   #61
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Re: Camcorders only

No Noa, you never implied that you needed a big heavy camera to look professional ..that was my ego only and at that stage I was very anti-DSLR ..probably due to the fact that people were using Canon 550D's with a mere 12 minute record time then and it was before Magic Lantern too!!
I did delve into using a Panny GH1 which was hacked and it shot very nice video I must admit but the manual focus was too much for me. I still find the form factor horrible to shoot video with hence my twin grip rigs on my current cameras which actually make things a lot easier.

All I can say now is that AF has become on par with camcorders and I have yet to see any out of focus shots on the FZ1000 ...I always however do a half press shutter before shooting but then let the continuous focus take over and even on long aisle walks it has been amazingly good! It's turned off however on my A-Camera as that's the tripod mounted one!

Yes, I have had to eat humble pie since going the mirrorless route but I am still delighted with the results and most importantly I don't get a sore back any more!! Including the rig, camera and shotgun it tips the scales at a mere 1400 grams ..a far cry from my 5 -6 kg shoulder mount cameras.

We live and learn but huge advances in technology have also made the newer cameras a lot easier to use for video ... I don't think I could get any useable results with my Nikon D90's but they still take brilliant still shots so that's all they are used for!
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Old November 19th, 2015, 08:31 AM   #62
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Re: Camcorders only

Originally Posted by Jack Walsh View Post
So, how far away from the FZ1000 can you be when using the remote control app Roger?
Hi Jack,

Sorry for delayed reply. In answer to your question, I am not actually sure as I have only needed to use it at no more than 20 feet away. That has been good for the situations I have used it in, but may not work for a locked off camera at the back of a church. I also often use a GoPro remote in the same way.

Regarding the use of locked off cameras, I use them all the time, but as a backup for my main operated camera. I spent a couple of decades filming weddings with just one camera, so am very used to quick smooth changes from one shot to another and being creative while constantly filming. Over the last few years I have gradually changed to using as many cameras as I feel appropriate, but always with a continuously running video camera taking a wide angle of the ceremony. That gives me the opportunity to rapidly respond with the main operated camera without having to worry about quick movement or focusing as that is covered by dropping in a B cam shot. I nearly always shoot solo, so using extra cameras could present the added problem of having to run round restarting them if necessary. It can also mean missed shots while you are setting up or packing up, so I have streamlined my working so I really don't have a problem.

The main tripod has the A cam and a clamp for a B video cam that enables me to set a wide angle which is not affected by the pan and tilt of the A cam. I can also choose to quickly clamp it somewhere else, if I want a different angle at some point. I have another video cam on a clamp that can be used for another continuous C cam angle if required, and the same with the GoPro as a C or D cam. I also often use the second FZ1000 as the locked off B cam although I tend to use it for shorter ceremonies, to avoid the restart and also in 4K for zooming or cropping in post.

My reservations about relying on multi cameras locked off, are about using them as a substitute for creative video work with the main cam. Locked off cameras are very valuable when solo as they give you far more freedom on the main cam to get some great footage without needing to flow on the changes. Different angles don't give you the close intimate detail that a skillfully used main camera does, but as I said before, are great for a change of angle particularly during main camera reframing or moving.

I also use the remote on the second FZ1000 to alter the zoom from time to time, just to vary the cutaway. If I am using the clamped B cam on the tripod, I will often change the framing, between using the main cam, to give even more variation.

Finally, one of the main reasons that I use clamps for the backup cams is that they can all be set up and broken down in a couple of minutes, so shots don't get missed, and they can be placed almost anywhere.

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Old November 19th, 2015, 08:55 AM   #63
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Re: Camcorders only

I think anyone who uses multicam as an excuse to forego creative camera work for their main camera, won't be much cop when working with just 1 camera.

I agree with Roger, you should never be in a situation of running around resetting cameras. Only 2 of my 4 cameras have a time limit and another GH4r I intend to add in the New Year will mean only 1 will need restarting, which I'll be operating. If the rumoured GH5 arrives next year, I'm hoping it will follow the GH4r model in allowing continuous recording. If not a foreign import will have to be considered.
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Old November 19th, 2015, 11:11 AM   #64
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Re: Camcorders only

Originally Posted by Noa Put View Post
When the nex-ea50 came out nothing came close to a camera that could give you the look of a dslr but functioned like a videocamera, it's actually too bad Sony didn't see any future in this camera, I do agree though that for weddings the size isn't exactly a advantage.
I recall you calling it a 'bazooka' Noa!

I've still got mine - I was going to sell it on in order to get an additional A7s but I've done a few small corporate jobs recently, which were made easier buy using this cam for constant run time/XLR input and well....yes it just looks the part more for corporate clients so I'll be holding on to it.

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Old November 19th, 2015, 04:42 PM   #65
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Re: Camcorders only

I'm in the same boat with my af101a, but decided to live with any Corporate disapproval and sell it for another GH4r. I've spent enough on gear not to have to apologise for it and there are plenty of audio bolt ons to handle that side of things.
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Old November 20th, 2015, 01:15 AM   #66
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Re: Camcorders only

Originally Posted by Roger Gunkel View Post
Hi Jack,

Sorry for delayed reply. In answer to your question, I am not actually sure as I have only needed to use it at no more than 20 feet away. That has been good for the situations I have used it in, but may not work for a locked off camera at the back of a church. I also often use a GoPro remote in the same way.

Regarding the use of locked off cameras, I use them all the time, but as a backup for my main operated camera. I spent a couple of decades filming weddings with just one camera, so am very used to quick smooth changes from one shot to another and being creative while constantly filming. Over the last few years I have gradually changed to using as many cameras as I feel appropriate, but always with a continuously running video camera taking a wide angle of the ceremony. That gives me the opportunity to rapidly respond with the main operated camera without having to worry about quick movement or focusing as that is covered by dropping in a B cam shot. I nearly always shoot solo, so using extra cameras could present the added problem of having to run round restarting them if necessary. It can also mean missed shots while you are setting up or packing up, so I have streamlined my working so I really don't have a problem.

The main tripod has the A cam and a clamp for a B video cam that enables me to set a wide angle which is not affected by the pan and tilt of the A cam. I can also choose to quickly clamp it somewhere else, if I want a different angle at some point. I have another video cam on a clamp that can be used for another continuous C cam angle if required, and the same with the GoPro as a C or D cam. I also often use the second FZ1000 as the locked off B cam although I tend to use it for shorter ceremonies, to avoid the restart and also in 4K for zooming or cropping in post.

My reservations about relying on multi cameras locked off, are about using them as a substitute for creative video work with the main cam. Locked off cameras are very valuable when solo as they give you far more freedom on the main cam to get some great footage without needing to flow on the changes. Different angles don't give you the close intimate detail that a skillfully used main camera does, but as I said before, are great for a change of angle particularly during main camera reframing or moving.

I also use the remote on the second FZ1000 to alter the zoom from time to time, just to vary the cutaway. If I am using the clamped B cam on the tripod, I will often change the framing, between using the main cam, to give even more variation.

Finally, one of the main reasons that I use clamps for the backup cams is that they can all be set up and broken down in a couple of minutes, so shots don't get missed, and they can be placed almost anywhere.

Good info Roger, appreciated!
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Old November 20th, 2015, 06:09 AM   #67
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Re: Camcorders only

Just in case...

I'm probably selling one of my Sony CX730s. One of them, the LCD screen doesn't flip out fully. Not sure why. Its like 45 degrees rather than 90. You can still see your framing and use the screen - better suited to being used as a static.

You can't buy these new anymore.

Quite a few on here swear by them including Noa, and we believe them to be the best quality and best in low light for the form factor and price range.

I bought my second one two years ago - it took me months to find somebody that still had a new one for sale.

I coughed up £600 for it.

So ... make me an offer!
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Old November 20th, 2015, 11:33 AM   #68
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Re: Camcorders only

Clive, why are you selling Sony CX730?
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Old November 20th, 2015, 12:28 PM   #69
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Re: Camcorders only

On the subject of controlling multiple cameras with time limits, I've just been reading article on some new Bluetooth device currently getting funding called Pulse. Apparently works from 100 feet away and can control your camera via it's USB port. Connection is via a smartphone app and you can control up to 3 cameras at once. Even for my cameras that are unlimited recording, it is tempting if only for monitoring.
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Old November 20th, 2015, 01:20 PM   #70
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Re: Camcorders only

Originally Posted by Andrew Maclaurin View Post
Clive, why are you selling Sony CX730?
My old package required various unmanned angles to add more cuts in edit to keep the ceremony interesting. My current package is much shorter and heavily condensed, so I really only need one of two CX730's as a wide 'safety' option.

I'm also considering buying a Ninja Star or Black Magic VideoAssist to bypass the time limit recording from either my RX10ii or my A6000. This might lead to be selling both my CX730s!
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Old November 20th, 2015, 04:23 PM   #71
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Re: Camcorders only

Thanks clive. I guess the CX730 is used for a wide safety shot and the A6000 and the RX10ii for more detail?
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Old November 21st, 2015, 05:26 AM   #72
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Re: Camcorders only

The a6000 kit lens is is 16mm on the wide end and the RX10II is 24mm. My thoughts are to use either of these as the wide safety in the future. Getting rid of all my camcorders, and bypassing time limits by recording to a separate device via HDMI output.
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Old November 21st, 2015, 05:31 AM   #73
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Re: Camcorders only

Will the A6000 not overheat even with an external recorder? Sounds an expensive and potentially unreliable solution. What about focus? I have been using a Canon 700D as a b cam but focus is a problem that's why I've been thinking about a camcorder as a general wide safety shot. The Go-pro Hero 4 Black just doesn't cut it either. It will be interesting to see how you get on.
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Old November 21st, 2015, 05:35 AM   #74
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Re: Camcorders only

As safety wide camera nothing beats the little cx730 alike camera, the best set and forget camera you can get in a very small package, it's takes as much space in your backpack as a lens and will record for hours with the right battery.
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Old November 21st, 2015, 06:34 AM   #75
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Re: Camcorders only

A 4K capable camera would be preferable for a wide safety shot as it will give you the option of zooming & re-framing in post if delivering in HD. It would also be preferable that there were no recording limit so it's a set & forget device. An AX100 is about the same price as a GH4r with a wide angle lens so take your pick.
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