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Old May 11th, 2003, 01:58 PM   #16
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Since camera-mounting the Panasonic places it on the shoe, and since you probably would only use this configuration with the camera on a tripod, it really doesn't add too much nose-heaviness. It's roughly over the center or gravity and easy to adjust the tilt balance with a good tripod.

The standard connector represents a bundle of cables coming from the camera, one of which is for power. Indeed, the Anton Bauer connector is really only for 12v operation with A-B batteries. Unless you use an A-B compatible battery pack (a possible power option but much more $$ than the Canon conversion) it is indeed useless. The only other standard power option is for a/c power (which connects to the same cable).

The Canon battery mount conversion is really an excellent choice if you use an XL1s. You'll kick yourself in the tail many times, and possibly develop a shrinking sense of self-esteem <g>, if you buy this monitor without this conversion.
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Old July 29th, 2003, 09:54 AM   #17
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Power Acoustik question

The Power Acoustik LCD looks really tempting for the price. Are they sharp enough to focus an anamorphic adapter? That’s pretty much the only reason I’m looking for something like this. Also, they are described as having widescreen. Does this mean they do 16:9? Does it show the full frame "edge to edge?"
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Old July 29th, 2003, 10:50 AM   #18
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Power Acoustik

I couldn't answer your question because I don't have an anamorphic lens. But the image is amazingly sharp... it's built to play DVDs, remember.

The color and sharpness are 100 times better than what you see in the EVF on the camera.

And, yes... if you get the 16:9 model (that also displays 4:3), it goes edge to edge.

My only gripe is the limited performance outdoors; but that's a problem with all LCD monitors. I made a hood for mine and it helps a lot.
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Old July 29th, 2003, 01:14 PM   #19
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Power Acoustik

The Power Acoustik sounds like the way to go to me. Could you describe what the inputs are like? (Their Web site doesn't have much info.) Are the video connections RCA, miniplug, coax, s-video or something else? Does the power cord hang off it, or if the cord plugs into it, what's the connection like? Am I correct in assuming its 12V DC? I’m unsure how to rig up a power source for this. Wouldn’t there be a way to use a 16V battery somehow? I need something small I can either tape to the back of the monitor or the leg of the tripod. Having a cord hang down to a battery on the floor would really suck.
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Old July 30th, 2003, 02:02 PM   #20
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Camera Mounted LCDs

Where can one buy this blessed Panasonic LCD? What are its dimensions? Price? I searched Panasonic’s website but did not find it…

Is it compatible with the XL1s?

I am looking for an approximately 2.5 x 2" LCD High Resolution/quality
Monitor compatible with my Canon XL1s.
NTSC only
I do not need audio in/output. I would like the camera to handle these
sorts of issues.

Very much similar to the GL1 monitor actually. !!!

In fact I just would like it to function much like a high res viewfinder 2.5 X the size of the existing color viewfinder of the XL1s.

At the end of a session (I use 80 mins. Sony MDVC) I view my work with a Sony I MDV player. It has a 4" LCD.
However, I cannot mount it on camera.

I had another idea: how about a viewfinder enhancer much like this:
But for the viewfinder.
Or a viewfinder with a much larger high res glass.

Do you not get a headache/left eye twitch at the end of the day? when you have to look through the view finder for long periods of time?
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Old July 30th, 2003, 05:16 PM   #21
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If you're referring to the 7" Panasonic TC-7WMS1 monitor you can get it from a number of places. I highly recommend getting it from Nebtek if you plan to use it with an XL1s. They can fit it to be powered by the same BP series batteries that you use with your camera.

You can find more information on the Nebtek site and Panasonic also has a downloadable brochure on their site.
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Old July 30th, 2003, 05:41 PM   #22
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Thanks Ken,

So I have seen it without realizing that it is the Panasonic. Nebtek is a good company.

My problem is that it is just too too large.

I am out in the field and on the move.

I need an LCD that is very compact and very portable. And fit seamlessly under the rain cover, etc. etc.

I agree that it is very good quality though.
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Old July 30th, 2003, 11:09 PM   #23
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Nebtek's smaller monitors are also good units. These are not the standard dim, coarse junk that you'll normally find. They are bright and reasonably crisp displays, many of which can also be adapted for BP batteries. Nebtek's heritage is in video-assist technology for the film industry. They are, indeed, good folks out in Salt Lake City who love to talk to customers about their products. Give them a call. My conversations with them suggest that they'll be glad to help you and will be quite honest if they cannot help you.
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Old February 1st, 2004, 07:55 PM   #24
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Does anyone know Nebtec's URL? I just tried searching for it but it doesn't come up in Google.
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Old February 1st, 2004, 08:15 PM   #25
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Old February 1st, 2004, 08:26 PM   #26
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Thanks, Ken...I'd just found it as you posted this. On my initial search here at DVi, I found it spelled "Nebtec" several times and assumed that was the correct spelling.

We might want to correct those spellings so that future searchers aren't confused like I was.
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Old February 1st, 2004, 08:36 PM   #27
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On second thought...we'd better first check that all is well with the company. Their site looks abandoned. Dead links for "Company" and "Contact"...lots of broken image links. Have they gone belly up?
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Old February 1st, 2004, 08:44 PM   #28
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No, I'm pretty sure that they're alive and well. I see the Contact and other pages. (I just met Gaylen Nebeker last fall.)
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Old February 2nd, 2004, 02:29 AM   #29
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Hey Ken,
We've got a few run and gun shoots coming up where I can't bring the DRCO 8045Q along. I found a great deal on a Panny 7" and I was wondering about the "Nebteking". Did you do that yourself or did you have to send t to them? Any idea of cost? What do you need for mounting on, say, a small light stand?
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Old February 2nd, 2004, 02:47 AM   #30
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Hi Jim,
I sent my Panny 7" to Nebtek to have the conversion made. I don't recall the price but think it was somewhere between $100-200. They did the conversion quickly and cleanly. It works very nicely.

I recently saw a BP power conversion kit, comparably priced to the Nebtek, that basically attaches to the back of the monitor and plugs into the monitor's existing power connection. I believe it works with the Panny 7". Its advantage would be that it does not require hard-wiring. I -think- I saw it in the Markertek catalog, but am not sure. It may be worth a search there if you're in the market.
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