- DIY forum
- How to tape a Food TV video?
- Analog formats from Sony??
- Movie Theatre formatting?
- Newbie message board??
- EOS Lenses/DOF and other ponderings
- How to Capture from IP55 MicroMV Camcorder
- Neutral Density & Contrast Reduction filters
- Demo reel music question
- Urgent: Where to buy Mic/Light Bracket
- Help with Sony DCR-TRV38 & i.Link DV connection
- will be shooting a collision. one take.
- commercial production questions
- Wireless Radio compatibility and Mic interference
- help with image , weird purple edge !
- Where can I find a free H.264 codec
- Structual X-ray
- Procoder and h.264, do they work together
- 30P Question
- DV & FCP not broadcast standard?
- Xi vs. GL1 vs. GL2 HELP!!
- JVC DV-GR800 and Canon GL2
- Problems with my 7" Panny Lcd
- Story/Doc Idea
- What's the most expensive bit of kit you've ever bought?
- Found!! The Office (BBC) Camera!!
- What is your preshooting, on location set up procedure?...
- Filters messing up color on XL1s ... help!!!
- Who know Randy Blue ?
- Different Camera Formats.....
- Curiosity Question
- how to count 3CCDs pixels ?
- why it always looks better on TV ?
- Premiere Pro 1.5 can't capture DV footage
- xl1s capture...what happened?
- Airport/Airplane and Camcorders
- Name of portable S-vhs recorder?
- Appreciate Your Help
- can I shoot in slow motion ??
- Fear of a Massive Depth of Field
- What is progressive setting
- HELP!Looks good in Premiere pro, but.....
- Sony DCR-HC20
- Pelican Padded Dividers
- Ext HD firewire ports fried/HD okay/how access data?
- DV vs. HD editing, sync issues?
- Equipment insurance in "war zone"
- What is Minimum Luminance ?
- About lens again
- Cheap (really cheap) fog machine