View Full Version : Open DV Discussion

  1. Which NLE uses Quad-core PC
  2. Ma 300 on Sony VX2100
  3. Scripts for High School Class?
  4. Equipments for a shoot?
  5. does anyone know the name of this music piece?
  6. can someone post some good technique books?
  7. Timecode/ Jam Sync
  8. help! basic needs and budget estimate for web video shoot
  9. what the heck is HDV quality on HDTV?
  10. Infomercial Formant Question
  11. WHY we love/hate DV equipment.
  12. sensor sizes
  13. HD Expo
  14. Firewire/HDMI cable quality
  15. JVC DVD/SVHS not capturing
  16. $2500 Budget For More Gear. What to Buy?
  17. Suggestions for External Hard Drives
  18. Is there any Good store in LA to demo cameras?
  19. Does anyone know what hourly rate one should charge for Motion graphics?
  20. beginner question on DVCam vs HDV
  21. Pro Video Backpack for Mountains etc.
  22. 9/11 Stock Footage
  23. Filter/mattebox advise for newbie shooting in Caledonia in two weeks!
  24. My Windows Videos are playing "dark" and "distorted."
  25. Any good cheap DV batteries?
  26. Advise selecting camera, sound, editing software
  27. PD150 Battery Light (Australian store anyone?)
  28. Projector recommendations
  29. My HD uses less space than my SD?
  30. Buy & Sell Gears Forum
  31. Windows .wmv HD videos
  32. Canon XL1s or Panasonic DVX100?
  33. Washington University
  34. Where to find camera operator interns
  35. My GS180 is eating my tapes!
  36. Jack Pack - How does it work?
  37. Basic, basic edit software ?
  38. Steady stick
  39. Sources for finding Film Studios
  40. Can I take a tape from one camera and use the DVout in another?
  41. DVin/out not working - is there a way to fix?
  42. How do you correct exposure?
  43. How long should it take to become a good videomaker?
  44. High Altitude Consumer DV -Himalayas
  45. Aspiring film maker needs a pro's help
  46. Link for Quicktime Windows
  47. Advice in shooting cosmetic surgeries
  48. Concersation angle question (with image)
  49. Royalty-Free Music
  50. How to deal with stroboscope effect caused by room lights