- Which NLE uses Quad-core PC
- Ma 300 on Sony VX2100
- Scripts for High School Class?
- Equipments for a shoot?
- does anyone know the name of this music piece?
- can someone post some good technique books?
- Timecode/ Jam Sync
- help! basic needs and budget estimate for web video shoot
- what the heck is HDV quality on HDTV?
- Infomercial Formant Question
- WHY we love/hate DV equipment.
- sensor sizes
- HD Expo
- Firewire/HDMI cable quality
- JVC DVD/SVHS not capturing
- $2500 Budget For More Gear. What to Buy?
- Suggestions for External Hard Drives
- Is there any Good store in LA to demo cameras?
- Does anyone know what hourly rate one should charge for Motion graphics?
- beginner question on DVCam vs HDV
- Pro Video Backpack for Mountains etc.
- 9/11 Stock Footage
- Filter/mattebox advise for newbie shooting in Caledonia in two weeks!
- My Windows Videos are playing "dark" and "distorted."
- Any good cheap DV batteries?
- Advise selecting camera, sound, editing software
- PD150 Battery Light (Australian store anyone?)
- Projector recommendations
- My HD uses less space than my SD?
- Buy & Sell Gears Forum
- Windows .wmv HD videos
- Canon XL1s or Panasonic DVX100?
- Washington University
- Where to find camera operator interns
- My GS180 is eating my tapes!
- Jack Pack - How does it work?
- Basic, basic edit software ?
- Steady stick
- Sources for finding Film Studios
- Can I take a tape from one camera and use the DVout in another?
- DVin/out not working - is there a way to fix?
- How do you correct exposure?
- How long should it take to become a good videomaker?
- High Altitude Consumer DV -Himalayas
- Aspiring film maker needs a pro's help
- Link for Quicktime Windows
- Advice in shooting cosmetic surgeries
- Concersation angle question (with image)
- Royalty-Free Music
- How to deal with stroboscope effect caused by room lights