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Final Cut Suite
Discussing the editing of all formats with FCS, FCP, FCE

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Old April 26th, 2002, 08:27 AM   #211
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I have the academic version -- Joe's right; the only difference is the "Academic Version" logo. It's the real deal -- nothing stripped.

My wife got it through the college where she teaches.

There are no restrictions on its use.
-- Vic Owen --
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Old April 26th, 2002, 08:30 AM   #212
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No, I don't, Ken. It would be pretty pricey to get just for titling. I might have a look at Graffiti, since it's a relatively inexpensive upgrade, , or go the Photoshop or EditDV route. I'd love to have AE, but don't have a strong need for its features at this time.
-- Vic Owen --
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Old April 27th, 2002, 11:02 AM   #213
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Building a NLE System

I am new to dv editing and was wondering if you guys can help me figure out what would be the best NLE configuration/specifications to purchase.

Fortunately, I have the funds to spend on the best MAC system out there. I just dont want to spend money on hardware that isnt worth its price.

I would really appreciate it if you can let me know what specs and maybe a dealer/store that I can purchase the hardware.

Thanks again guys!
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Old April 27th, 2002, 12:54 PM   #214
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Well, I don't really know that anyone could claim to know what the "best" setup might be. There are many good ones and I'm sure you'll see many opinions. I personally believe that

- Final Cut Pro 3
- on a Mac G4 dual 1Ghz
- with a 22" or the new 23" Cinema display
- and a Contour ShuttlePro
- and an IBM 120Gb Deskstar internal drive as your media drive
- and a small Wacom Intuous tablet
- and a good deck such as any of the Sonys
- and a high-res Sony NTSC reference monitor

represents the start of a "beautiful friendship" (as Bogart said).

(Is that a run-on sentance?)
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Old April 28th, 2002, 12:21 AM   #215
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Thanks Ken! I think that this would get me started on the right path. I was wondering if you know any reputable dealers/stores in Chicago that I can purchase these equipment or should I just try to get everything online?

Thanks again for the response. I really appreciate it.
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Old April 28th, 2002, 10:53 AM   #216
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Isn't there a Chicago Final Cut Pro User Group? In that town there should be some kind of DV / FCP walk-in resources.

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Old April 28th, 2002, 11:32 AM   #217
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Glen Ellyn Computer is perhaps the most video-savvy Mac specialist in the area. They sponsor most of the local Apple FCP events and have relationships with local pros as well as broadcast equipment folks (esp. Sony). I've never purchased from them but have a very positive, solid impression that they are most interested in a sales and service perspective, rather than just sales.

Their web site is at:

As an example, they recently sponsored a Sony day featuring a hands-on exhibit of Sony's broadcast cameras and decks.

Chris, yes there is a Final Cut Pro users group that has just started-up here in Chicago. They meet roughly monthly at Apple's Market Center located in the Chicago Mercantile Exchange building in downtown Chicago. The meetings are normally announced on Apple's seminar site: . In fact the next meeting is scheduled for May 22nd. Here are the details and the place to sign-up:
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Old April 28th, 2002, 11:10 PM   #218
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What do you think Ken?

Ok, here's what I'm looking at finally purchasing to get my FCP system up and running:

PowerMac G4 dual 1ghz
512 RAM (for now)
Second Hard Drive for media (80gb or 120gb if finances allow)
Radeon 7500 video card (to save a hundred bucks)
FCP 3.0

I'd love to get an Apple display, but if I get that then I won't be able to purchase FCP for quite some time, so I'll stick with my Sony CRT which I still like.

Where's a good place to look for hard drives? I've been checking out

Also, anyone have any experience with the Sony GV-D1000 Mini-DV Video Walkman. It has Firewire in/out, analog in w/pass-through and a built in 4" lcd screen. I was thinking this might be a good unit to have for use with a NLE and to be able to bring on the road for logging and even for showing potential clients demo tapes. Pros/cons? Good idea/bad idea?

I've learned so much from many of you here already...thanks so much for all the info. You can bet I'll have a lot more questions once I start working with FCP.
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Old April 29th, 2002, 12:32 AM   #219
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Looks like a good start, Mike!

You'll love that dual 1GHz Quicksilver!

I bought my Deskstar 120Gb from in January. At the time they were the only folks I could find that had it on hand. They're a rather PC-centric place but it really didn't matter in the case of the drive and they delivered the product on time and at a good price. Normally I get most of my peripherals from (a.k.a. I've done biz with them for many years and have never been disappointed.

I've never used the Sony GV-D1000 but have heard good remarks about it. I think Ozzie Alfonso recently posted something about it. Use the Search funtion to look for the thread.

Have fun with your shopping!
Lady X Films: A lady with a boring wardrobe...and a global mission.

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Old April 29th, 2002, 11:40 AM   #220
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this is great info! thanks again. i will give them a call.


i just did a query of the nle systems (pc or mac). you just made me question if fcp is the way to go or canopus! it looks like canopus is a better system bec of the "real-time" editing, but is it as easy to use as fcp? i know that you guys discuss this a lot (pc or mac), but i just want to make sure before making a huge investment on a nle system. i will be using the system for events (i.e. theater, etc.) and what i really want is to use it for full length features!

thanks again guys!

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Old April 29th, 2002, 02:24 PM   #221
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Burn NTSC DVDs from PAL?

Quick question.
Anyone who can explain me how to burn a NTSC DVD from PAL XL1S footage using FCP3? I have learned that I can use a Samsung World Wide VCR to record NTSC VHS dubs from PAL footage and the other way around, so VCR-wise it shouldn't be a problem.
Thanks for your time.
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Old April 29th, 2002, 07:53 PM   #222
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well I dont want to play FCP police but the biggest restriction is that you are not suppose to use academic licensed software for any type of business use. Outside of that, have a blast, I am! (gotta love that $299 price tag)

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Old April 29th, 2002, 08:45 PM   #223
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I was told that the Mac has trouble with MP3's.
It was explained that, if in the process of downloading a large one and you get knocked off line, the Mac still creates a space for the whole MP3 and can start to take a lot of space on your HD,

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Old April 29th, 2002, 10:25 PM   #224
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Did a Windows person tell you that? I have never had any problems with MP3 with my Mac. It works really well, in fact. The only thing that I can think of that even remotely relates to what you have been told is with VBR (variable bit rate) MP3's. When downloading MP3's you can listen to them. Say for instance you are downloading an MP3 that is 4 minutes long and 5MB in size. After you get 2.5megs downloaded you decide to listen to it with an awesome utility called SoundApp (that's what I use). SoundApp says that the file you are listening to is 4 minutes long, even though you don't have all 4 minutes downloaded yet. The file itself still takes up only 2.5 megs even if you get cut off. However if this was just a 160kbps MP3 and you decided to start listening after you had 2.5 megs downloaded then SoundApp would say the song was 2 minutes long, but then keep playing AFTER the 2 minutes have expired until it runs out of data or the song ends. Big deal, eh?

But I've never had any file take up more space that it should. Maybe OS 1 or some other ancient OS does that, but none of the modern OS's (9 and X). Oh yeah and I've been using Macs with MP3's ever since MP3's existed.
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Old April 29th, 2002, 10:31 PM   #225
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you'll have to convert the output file to NTSC or create an NTSC copy. I'm not 100% on this one, but I think FCP can convert PAL to NTSC but the quality might be questionable.
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