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Old September 6th, 2008, 07:39 AM   #181
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1080 over HDMI

It seems to be downsampled. How else would it send out 1080i over HDMI ? Does not make sense to upscale from the 720P signal..
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Old September 6th, 2008, 10:01 AM   #182
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Vincent - great news about your review coming up - I'd like to see reviews for this revolutionary technology coming from the full spectrum of possible reviewers , from photographers , fimmakers & videomakers , artist , and consumers . I have seen strong rumors about the new canon 5d upgrade also incorporating this feature so Nikon might not be in the limelight too long. I'm just waiting to see the first d90 with followfocus and mattebox attached . Otherwise all the techspec is premature until some people get the camera in their hands. So let's send out a message to firstowners.
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Old September 6th, 2008, 11:34 AM   #183
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Originally Posted by Vincent Oliver View Post
The bottom line on this matter is that the camera will only record for 5 minutes... whether this is for tax or heat reasons I am not sure anymore.
It amazes me how much back and forth there's been about the "why" of the clip length limit... ultimately the reasons why don't matter nearly as much as the discussion of how to deal with it. I think it's a bit disappointing that there's been this much interest in the reason for the limitation, and less expression of the possibilities this camera represents. I sure would like to see this whole thing move forward in a positive way... that's pretty much what I was getting at in an earlier post: so what about the "why." It is the way it is. Let's talk about what it can do.

I do know that I will be getting the camera within the next two weeks and I will do a full review on it. I will also make available some untouched footage to your readers so they can tinker about with it. I will also be working on a DVD user guide for the camera and hope to have it ready in about 6 to 8 weeks.
Really looking forward to that, Vincent! Please keep me advised as to your status. Meanwhile, if there's enough interest among this crowd and if the demand is there, we'll probably fire up a dedicated forum for the D90 and whatever other new D-SLR's that come along with the same feature set.

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Old September 6th, 2008, 01:42 PM   #184
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Here are some user test video links...

Locked exposure:
Nikon D90 -- First Footages on Vimeo

Manual lens:
D90 test footage on Vimeo
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Old September 6th, 2008, 02:14 PM   #185
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Chris - that's a good idea - probably with subforums and one might be video from still cameras in general.k
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Old September 6th, 2008, 08:20 PM   #186
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Originally Posted by Steve Brady View Post
If the jaggies are caused by windowed sub-sampling, it should be possible, in theory at least, to alleviate them using a "soft f/x" type filter with the appropriate (very small) amount of diffusion.
Excellent suggestion! I wonder if the material for anti-aliasing filters is available to the public. Nikon could make some money selling such a filter for MovieMode. I see a number of narrow band filters for telescopes, but nothing that would be an low pass filter.

Last edited by Gints Klimanis; September 7th, 2008 at 02:17 PM.
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Old September 7th, 2008, 06:46 AM   #187
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Humn. Been following the D90 chat in various forums. For what it's worth...
- I shoot video and still all day long is seems- and I use my cellphone for both to scout locations, grab low res Styling Intelligence etc.
- I use my ridiculously underestimated digicam for my still work and the HV20 for video production.
When pressed for any video no matter how low quality, it's the digicam with 1 minute clips and my cellphone that really shine.
I imagine that Nikon ( who reads forums religiously) will 'get it' and jump in on the video market soon. No doubt, Canon and all the main players will 'get it' too... that is
WE NEED A 5-12 MEGAPIXEL HYBRID THAT ALLOWS DOF MANUAL FOCUS AND CAPTURES BOTH VIDS AND STILLS for 10- 15 minute takes.When the pleas gets loud enough, they may introduce it. The D90's alleged 5 minute limitation a move in the right direction
The Nikon D90 is perfect for still shooters that have a weight/volume budget ( photojournalists for example) but who still want to be able to capture near broadcast capable vids of fast breaking news as they cover events with stills.
When I travel for location shoots in still, I NEVER tote my video gear. The vid bag just weighs too much on top of my still bag. So the D90 would be perfect.
On the topic of sensor overheating. Simple, shoot in the winter- you should get an hour of vid no problem at 0ºf No. Seriously, the same guys that have figured out 'Hot Packs' to extend battery life of vid gear/digicams in cold weather, should be reading this and figuring out ways to cool the sensor with an add-on device.
Indeed, what would it take to pipe a heatsink conduit from near the sensor array to the outside edge of the camera for such a purpose? C'mon Nikon!
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Old September 8th, 2008, 06:34 AM   #188
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HDMI uncompressed capture

Anyone still up for HDMI uncompressed capture ? Cant access one from where I am now ..
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Old September 8th, 2008, 09:13 AM   #189
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I might sell my Letus Extreme for the D90, the combination for photo and video at 35mm DOF is simply too good to pass. The 5min is not a problem either as I intend to use the D90 as a back-up for my video cameras, most artistic shots are under 5min any ways. Audio on an external recorder is not all that bad, this is going to create shock waves.
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Old September 8th, 2008, 10:34 AM   #190
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So will the files show up on the desktop through USB as a nikon drive as they do with my D300 D70 etc.? Will it actually be as easy as importing the clips in FCP as motion jpeg?

USB may be awfully slow for this and the compression not the best, but wow if this is the case. I mean 8 gig SD storage for $50, a built in 3" HD monitor and it comes with an effective 27mm - 150mm VR lens. That's pretty much a perfect prime lens package range to boot.

I was going to update our D70 back-up body anyway, but I'm so all over the idea of a camera that I literally hike and ski and snowshoe with regularly around my neck now covering much of what our HD100/Mini35 setup does.

Not perfect but the
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Old September 8th, 2008, 11:26 AM   #191
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Originally Posted by Jim Giberti View Post
USB may be awfully slow for this ...
It's USB2, plenty fast enough for HD.

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Old September 8th, 2008, 12:22 PM   #192
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Originally Posted by Chris Hurd View Post
It's USB2, plenty fast enough for HD.
Hey Chris, long time no text.
Agreed...even if it weren't USB2. I meant it more as a "so what"...make coffee and come back and import same as an FH drive or P2 card.

Either way it's such a cool new direction that it was a done deal as soon as I heard about it.
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Old September 8th, 2008, 12:30 PM   #193
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aside from the technological breakthrough

What i'm more interested in is what I mentioned before in relation to this technology, and thats the impact it will have on our professions.
A merging like this will surely have a big impact on wedding / event coverage. Im just not quite sure if the photographer will try to muscle out the video guy or vice versa. If it does start to happen, photographers need to thread carefully, the scarlett is just around the corner. They need to be careful they don't start a war they can't win.
In relation to the D90, im sure there's already a wedding photographer or two considering offering "video coverage of the vows".
Its interesting to think of other areas this could impact.
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Old September 8th, 2008, 03:23 PM   #194
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As a wedding shooter using an SR11... already contemplating the "crossover" potential!

7.2MPixel res stills aren't bad... still need an SLR for larger size pix/formals, but the disciplines are very possibly merging...
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Old September 8th, 2008, 03:41 PM   #195
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Originally Posted by Dave Blackhurst View Post
As a wedding shooter using an SR11... already contemplating the "crossover" potential!

7.2MPixel res stills aren't bad... still need an SLR for larger size pix/formals, but the disciplines are very possibly merging...
I've been shooting for a photo book the last year around film projects for our biz. I can't tell you how many times I've gone out in the mountains after a perfect snowfall or a sports shoot or wildlife shoot where I was frustrated being both a photographer and film maker. Frustrated that I had to decide which medium to capture these one of a kind opportunities.

I also find myself gravitating toward the Nikon for our own content because it's so small and facile compared to a JVC with a Mini 35 attached.

The idea of one camera able to capture in both mediums with no drives and full dof has gotten me more jazzed than anything since HD or 35mm lens adapters and we were some of the first people to shoot with the Mini35.
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