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Old September 18th, 2002, 11:20 AM   #226
RED Code Chef
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What matters is the following:

1. preset you are using (make sure you select a DV preset
and the correct one: PAL/NTSC/WIDESCREEN/32/48)
2. make sure you have selected a Canon XL1 as the camera
connected. This makes sure communication is optimal
3. output to a good format

This way you should be able to get perfect quality. Premiere
preview resizes the image so quality is wrong there. I usually
output and then view it to see how it looks (make sure windows
mediaplayer is playing the file at full resolution (100%) instead
of the DEFAULT (50%)

Rob Lohman,
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Old September 18th, 2002, 11:37 AM   #227
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I just patched to Premiere 6.02 (from 6.0) and I now have under Canon : XL1-S A, XL1-S J

Does anyone know which is the correct Device Control Selection?

(I can only hit play then record to capture, I can't use the time coded settings -- is there a difference between Drop Frame and Non-Drop Frame Time Code?)

Old September 18th, 2002, 12:18 PM   #228
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AHA! So the Premiere preview window (which I've been placing all my faith in) is the reason for my blurriness. Upon your advice I outputted back to tape and watched the same video clip I captured after the raw recorded version of itself and the quality wasn't noticeably differrent -- which means I'm capturing at best quality.

How are you supposed to edit in Premiere then?

So then, is it true to say that DV (NTSC) records at 720 x 480 with .9 Pixel Aspect ratio and fits on a Television (640 x 480) with only the normal cutoff that television's safe zone applies? It's not truly 4:3?

Side question?: Is the "Microsoft DV" codec a high quality compressor? Is "DV Playback" a useful edit mode?
Old September 18th, 2002, 12:59 PM   #229
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thanks a lot for the help. That does clear some things up. I have some other questions that I need to ask you but I can't right now so I will post back tonight.

thanks again.
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Old September 19th, 2002, 04:22 AM   #230
RED Code Chef
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Pick any of those. -A should be PAL model, otherone NTSC.
I also capture through play and then hitting record. If you are
in NTSC country you should select Drop Frame timecode.

Rob Lohman,
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Old September 19th, 2002, 04:31 AM   #231
RED Code Chef
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1. yes, it is the window of premiere
2. for edit you do not need high quality. You just need to be
able to see it so that you can edit. You can also get a
fullscreen preview. Just resize the window and watch the
size that Premiere is displaying in the upper left cornern. It will
"stick" a bit at your full resolution. You have full resolution but
no garantuees as to whether your getting full quality as well
(premiere might cut some corners here to get you your picture
as fast as possible)
3. DV NTSC records at 720x480 indeed.
4. Your TV is 720x480 too. It just has a safe margin. Which you
do not need to concern yourself with unless you do CGI or
titling (and a good titler should do TV safe anyway). If you want
to see TV and title safe markers hit the arrow in the right upper
corner of the window and select Safe Margins for xxxxx side
(xxxxxx depends on which monitors your seeing). You can set
there margins if you right click on the window outside the actual
video source and selecting Monitor Window Options
5. Microsoft DV codec is known to be not very good. The newer
your Windows (ie Windows 2000, XP) the better the codec is
6. What do you mean when you say "DV Playback" in edit mode?
If you mean that you have hooked up your camera and that
you can see what your editing I have to say no. This slows my
system down way way too much (under premiere 6.02). I have
to give this a go again under 6.5 to see if they improved the
situation. If not I'd suggest you go with a real DV board to
get proper output whilst editing

I hope this answers your questions.

Rob Lohman,
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Old September 19th, 2002, 04:35 AM   #232
RED Code Chef
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I'm going to be out of town from friday afternoon till monday
morning... depending on my internet connection and when you
post it might take a couple of days to answer you. But rest
assured, your answer will be coming. Glad this already cleared
some things up.

Rob Lohman,
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Old September 19th, 2002, 04:38 AM   #233
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Premiere Project 'Comments' box

I am using Premiere V6 and the 'Project' frame has a 'comments' section beside each clip in the project. How do you get a comment in there as it would help identify the clip content more.

I have typed into the 'comments' section in the 'movie capture- logging' frame and also the 'file name' frame after capturing a clip but although the named clip appears in the 'project' frame the comment section stays empty.

It must be something fairly obvious but I am missing it - help!

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Old September 19th, 2002, 07:06 AM   #234
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Hello Ross:

Hmmmm. On Premiere 6.0, I have a "Notes" section beside each file in the Projects window. That works just fine.

I know what you're talking about with the Comments section of the "Logging window" under "movie capture," but I don't use it. The logging window has a wonderful Log In/Out feature, but I don't do it. Maybe this effects whether you're comments work.

Perhaps, just using the "Notes" section will help you out more after you capture. Of course, this might slow down you're capturing process as you would need to type Notes and move the "Movie Capture" window!


Kyle "Doc" Mitchell
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Old September 19th, 2002, 09:20 AM   #235
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Does Premiere 6.5 also have this blurry preview window problem?

What codec do *you* use? And more to the point, how do you obtain other codecs?

One of my Edit Modes is called "DV Playback" (right next to QT and Video For Windows) - is that possibly the mode that my firewire card provides? If I got a 'real' DV board, would this give me another Edit Mode (would it give me another codec?) -- what card would you suggest in the Non-Realtime market?

I really appreciate your time and patience. I'm light years ahead of where I was before I found the community. Thank you.

-- David

<<<-- Originally posted by Rob Lohman :
1. yes, it is the window of premiere

5. Microsoft DV codec is known to be not very good. The newer
your Windows (ie Windows 2000, XP) the better the codec is
6. What do you mean when you say "DV Playback" in edit mode?
If you mean that you have hooked up your camera and that
you can see what your editing I have to say no. This slows my
system down way way too much (under premiere 6.02). I have
to give this a go again under 6.5 to see if they improved the
situation. If not I'd suggest you go with a real DV board to
get proper output whilst editing

I hope this answers your questions. -->>>
Old September 20th, 2002, 01:54 AM   #236
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I suppose so....... I just thought if they give you the ability to enter comments at the time of capture there would be a way of getting them back at a later stage. Ah well such is life!


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Old September 20th, 2002, 06:31 AM   #237
RED Code Chef
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I suppose premiere 6.5 has that too. But why is it that important
to you? I personally could not care less. I want it to be fast. I'm
not doing quality assumptions in Premiere or Color Correction.
If you truly want good picture and color (and this is the only way)
get a DV board that has analog out and connect it to a broadcast
monitor that is setup properly. You cannot judge quality on your
PC anyways (more or less).

I don't know if I have that option you are mentioning. I'd have
to check and currently I don't have much time because I need
to catch the boat. I can look for you after the weekend if you
want. But I think it is a option for your board indeed.

I just use Microsoft Codec at the moment. But I have also
played with the Mainconcept codec. Most boards tend to supply
their own codec. If you give me the brand and model of your
card we can take look if it has its own.

Rob Lohman,
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Old September 24th, 2002, 06:07 AM   #238
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Insert Fading with Premiere

Hi, I've a problem editing my films in Premiere. I don't know how to make a fade from a black picture to my film. I tried with transparency clip. I can mix the image with the film but I don't know how to make to say that at the beginning the image must be opaque and after some seconds completly transparenty with a fade between the to states. Can someone help me?

I thank you very much, Dave
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Old September 24th, 2002, 06:22 AM   #239
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It seems what you're really looking for is just a plain old dissolve transistion, from a color clip to your footage file.
All the best,
Robert K S

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Old September 24th, 2002, 06:02 PM   #240
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Premiere 6 capture time limit

Can someone please tell me what I need to do so that Premiere will capture more than 9:30 of video at a time? I've been fighting this off an on for some time now and have never found the solution.

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