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Adobe Creative Suite
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Old May 8th, 2004, 12:22 PM   #451
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I doubt it is a transition. More likely a keyframed blur. Not a general blur, but a directional blur where the distance of the blur is keyframed from a high number to zero and back to a high number.
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Old May 8th, 2004, 07:04 PM   #452
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Switching audio track from stereo to mono....

Hey all,

How can I change a stereo track to a mono track in premiere short of exporting a mono file from premiere? The problem is that I mic my subjects with a lapel mic on channel 1, and when I import into premiere I only get audio levels on the left channel.

This seems like it would be a simple thing to do but I cant seem to figure it out.


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Old May 9th, 2004, 12:04 PM   #453
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Steven is correct, keyframing a directional blur's strength (or amount/distance) value will accomplish this. The trick is to find a high enough value for the second keyframe to obscure what the image or text is, so you can do just a short dissolve to the next clip, which would be keyframed backwards from extremely blurred, to no blur.

You could still classify this is a transition, just not one of PPro's built in ones.
Casey Visco
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Old May 9th, 2004, 01:40 PM   #454
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By the way, I should have mentioned that in Premiere Pro, you can only select 100% (as I recall) for a blur with the slider bar. But you will notice that you can manually type in a much higher number (200%), which gives a much better blur for this putpose.
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Old May 10th, 2004, 02:28 AM   #455
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Hey Edward,

What version of Premiere are you using?

I think this is how it was done in 6/6.5:

Place your mono audio onto an audio track of the timeline, right click on it and then choose audio options and then select dublicate right/ left depending on what side the audio was recorded on.

I guess if you want to turn a stereo track into a mono, then all you need do is apply the PAN filter and make sure that its either 100% right/left depending on what side you want the audio.
Ed Smith
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Old May 10th, 2004, 08:28 AM   #456
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Help! I'm desperate! Premiere Problems

Can someone please help, I'm desperate. I have a short film(uni dissertation) that was mean't to be handed in
today. I have it all finished in the timeline, but when I go back to preview it some of my titles and transition fades have dissappeared, I cannot work out why, all I can get in the manual is something about saving preview files to a folder in
on a separate hard drive dedicated to video, which I have done. There was pink lines in the preview indicator area above the titles that were'nt working, but they dissappeared after I built a preview, so I can't see why they are not working.
Also when I do volume fades on my audio tracks they work fine at first, then after a few minutes they don't work. I'm rendering and building preview's, is there something I'm not doing or doing wrong.

I'm running version 6 on an apple G4 400 with 512meg and a second 80 gig HD 7200rpm for video.

Any Help I'll be forever grateful.

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Old May 10th, 2004, 09:02 AM   #457
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Follow up to Help! I'm Desperate! Premiere Problems

Since I made the last post, I have worked out that the titles that are not playing are offline
(whatever that means) thing is they are in the same folder as the ones that are working. I'm I not storing these properly
(correct folder or something?) the audio fades have just decided to work again, but as for the transistion fades still nothing?


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Old May 10th, 2004, 11:40 AM   #458
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Hi Jon,

Sometimes premiere can get its self in a pickle. On a PC you normally delete/ rename the Prem60.prf file I believe. That will reset all settings in Premiere to default. Or you can normally hold down CTRL+SHIFT key while opening premiere.

Offline normally means that they have disappeared from the normal place where they were.

Could you save the project as a differnt name, when it asks whether you want to keep the preview files say no. Then re-open the newly saved project and build your previews again?
Ed Smith
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Old May 11th, 2004, 10:51 AM   #459
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Thanks for the reply. I'm using premiere pro. I found a selection called "breakout to mono clips" but unfortunately its ALWAYS grayed out and unselectable.

Thanks again,

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Old May 11th, 2004, 10:57 AM   #460
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Woot! My first keyframe!

After reading your replies, I looked up "keyframe" in PPro's Online Help. Tried it, and it worked! Thanks!

BTW - You can set the Blur length (in Directional Blur) as high as 1000.
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Old May 11th, 2004, 03:11 PM   #461
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Photoshop CS with Rich Harrington.

I wanted to apprise y'all that VASST has released "Photoshop CS: Essentials for Digital Video" featuring Rich Harrington, which is a nearly 6-hour, 2 DVD9 training product. You can view the product at
We're aware of the many training products on Photoshop that are out there, yet this one is unique in it's approach to Photoshop for digital video.
The entire 2 disc set was done/produced on a Mac system, with 3 screens all visible in the set.

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Old May 12th, 2004, 12:54 PM   #462
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Magic Bullet Movie Looks Plug-in. I like the effect, but...

...render times are atrocious! Think days, not hours.

This is the free plug-in you can download from Adobe after registering PPro.

I tried the various effects and liked "Filmic" the best, so I applied it to a 1hr video.

That was 24 hrs ago, and it is still rendering! System is not "hung" because PPro progress bar is moving, albeit slowly.

This on my P4 2.4/800 with 1GB RAM, and Windows Task Manager is showing 100% CPU usage!
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Old May 12th, 2004, 08:49 PM   #463
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Archiving Premiere project

I have two one hour instructional videos that occupy about the entire space of my edit hard drive. I need to move on and work on other projects. Since its possible, but unlikely, that these projects would need to revised, I'm wondering if the following method of archiving the project would work.

I plan to save my project files, batch capture lists, titles, graphics, etc on CDROM and dump the actual AVI files as a space saving measure. I figure if I need to ever revise the projects, I could use the batch capture lists to reload the source footage back into Premiere.

Does anyone do anything like this? Will this work or will I run into trouble trying to put the pieces back together. I'm using Premiere 6.5 and a Matrox RTX.10 if that makes a difference.

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Old May 13th, 2004, 05:12 AM   #464
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If you have been careful to leave the captured avi files where they were captured, it should be a good way to archive. But remember that newer versions of Premiere or some other editing tool may not read your EDL files.

Another way if your budget allows, purchase a FireWire hard drive large enough to hold your entire project, move the files there and store the hard drive somewhere safe.
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Old May 13th, 2004, 02:13 PM   #465
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You put it on a 1 hour video? That's going to take like a week.
Try it on a 10 sec or 1 minute long clip first and time it.
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