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Old May 25th, 2005, 03:22 PM   #946
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Premiere MS DV Driver Problem

Hi there,

I've been editing with Premiere 6.5 on my machine for a couple years without problem or complaint. The other day, I ran into a big problem that I've been unable to solve. When opening a project, I receive the following message:

"Premiere was unable to connect to the native Microsoft(TM) DV support on this machine.
This setting was designed to only work with an OHCI IEEE1394 (Firewire, iLink) card with an approved Microsoft DV driver.
If you have installed the driver included with your OHCI 1394 (Firewire, iLink) card, please uninstall those drivers, and use the install new hardware setting in the control panel to install the Microsoft (TM) drivers.
If you have installed another capture card, please use that card's custom project settings.
If this was working, and you have just installed another application or driver update, please uninstall those."

I click OK, then I get this message:

"Project initialization failed.
DV/IEEE 1394 Playback is not setup correctly.
Playback performance will be impacted."

The impact is that I cannot "print to tape." My firewire port is on my motherboard, and my DV device is a Sony TRV-11. I've tried reinstalling the firewire drivers (which are Microsoft - not Texas Instruments) and reinstalling Premiere, both of which did nothing. Any thoughts about what might be causing the conflict? I have looked online but haven't found an answer. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!

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Old May 25th, 2005, 09:21 PM   #947
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Plugin for hand writing.

Hello Everyone. Is there a plugin I can buy for Premier or After Affect that will help me write my logo in hand writing? Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks Al Ioimo
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Old May 25th, 2005, 11:25 PM   #948
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hi joe,

send me a still of the video with the highlight at the resolution of the native video. a high quality jpeg is fine. i'll send you back an image with an alpha channel to overlay on top of your video. should be as simple as that since the highlight isn't moving. i'll try and get it back to you in 24 hours.
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Old May 26th, 2005, 01:24 AM   #949
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also, any after effects version is fine. it runs standalone, which is the way i use it. there's a lot of compatibility across adobe's video products now, but i can't really speak to that because i don't use them that way (though i probably should learn how since it would probably save me time in the long run). your version 6.0 is more than adequate to tackle your dillemma here, and for most tasks in the future.
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Old May 26th, 2005, 02:41 AM   #950
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No, Premiere 6.5 does not understand the whole 24p thing (from DV camera's),
so you really do need a newer NLE if you need support for that.

Rob Lohman,
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Old May 26th, 2005, 03:04 AM   #951
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Hello Aaron, welcome aboard (H)!

Something is definitely wrong with your Windows installation at this point. Did
you install any new hardware or software?

The best (and probably only) thing you can do is re-install Windows and all
the applications etc. Do a clean install, ie no upgrade or fix of the current

Good luck!

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Old May 26th, 2005, 03:46 AM   #952
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A lot can be done to simulate this with transitions like barndoor or wipes.
Especially in combination with homemade masks (in a paint program)

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Old May 26th, 2005, 07:39 AM   #953
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Ugh, I was afraid you'd say that. A clean reinstall was my next step...but I was hoping to avoid that. I did put in a new graphics card (GeForce 6600) a couple months ago, but I've been able to edit since then.

If anyone else has another idea, I'd welcome it. Otherwise, I'll start backing up and reinstalling.

Thanks for the welcome to the forum!
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Old May 26th, 2005, 07:55 AM   #954
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After Effects would probably be the better choice for this. You can do this without purchasing a plugin. See these tutorials:
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Old May 26th, 2005, 10:42 AM   #955
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agreed. that's absurdly long. i just did a 4 minute music video with magic bullet filters (widescreen and look suite) and exported to DVD all with an hour and a half, and that's on a 2.8GHZ P4 w/ 1GB RAM
itimebomb productions
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Old May 26th, 2005, 09:55 PM   #956
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Premiere 6.0

I just purchased a used Pinacle DV500 on ebay for only about $250. This probably sounds stupid to most of you, but for someone like me who has basically NO budget, I take what I can get. I've used the Pinacle Pro-One with Premiere 6.5 before - I'm very acustomed with Premiere and the Pro-One is great for real time preview on a seperate monitor.

So I picked up this used DV500-DVD (predecesor to the Pro-One). I bought it for the real time preview and also because it comes with an NLE - Premiere 6.0.

Now, I've used 6.5 in great depth, so how does Premiere 6.0 compare? Also, could I upgrade from 6.0 to 6.5? If so, would upgrading make any sense? How do 6.0 and 6.5 differ?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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Old May 27th, 2005, 07:58 AM   #957
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It doesn't sound stupid to me. It lets you edit video a price you can afford, and that’s the whole point. Creativity and a good story are much more important than using the latest cutting edge equipment.

As for the differences, I can't say as I went from Premiere 6 to Premiere Pro, so I skipped 6.5. I know a couple of the differences in Premiere 6.5 were: Software real-time preview (which you can't use at the same time as the DV500 real-time play back), and a new titler. I don't know if the new titler is a big deal since you already have TitleDecko.

And Adobe isn't selling Premiere 6.5 upgrades anymore. You'd have to find one on a place like Ebay.
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Old May 27th, 2005, 08:07 AM   #958
Capt. Quirk
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Or, you could just buck up to the Pro version. Unless you are like me, and running W2K till it won't run anything. I'm still using 6.something, and will keep it till it dies. Or I hit some numbers :)
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Old May 27th, 2005, 10:51 AM   #959
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ok so it is only for HD then? I'm not going to notice a diffrence if I render my normal dv footage out using that pre-set? What about if I am projecting it out on a large screen? I did some tests with it and it doesn't seem to distort the image by increasing the size like that. Anyone else played with these pre sets in premiere?
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Old May 27th, 2005, 11:05 AM   #960
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Diffrent video types in same timeline

Ok so I have a premiere pro 1.5 project set up as a 24p widescreen 48khz project. Through out the timeline I have regular 4:3 footage and 60i footage. Will this cause a problem when I go to render out an mpeg2? Because I have had problems and I don't know if this is the cause or if it's something else. Has anyone else had a project like this and had no problems?
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