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NAB Survival: Is It The Shoes?
At a four-day endurance match with the pedestrian brutality that constitutes NAB, the key word is comfort.

My Path to iTunes and Beyond
The road to distribution for a low budget independent film is a long and winding one (to paraphrase Paul McCartney), yet we were able to get there. You can get there too, if you avoid the well placed land mines along the way.

Review: Panasonic VariCam LT 4K Super35mm Cine Camera
The VariCam LT is Panasonic’s “affordable” large single sensor VariCam, putting the core of the $55,000 VariCam 35 in a…
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What Little I Know About Negotiating as a DP
2014 is the year I acquired an agent, and just in time: I’m awful at negotiating. I hate the process…

Craziness: Using an Alexa LUT on F55 Footage
It shouldn’t be possible, but I tried it and it works. But why? A while back I was chatting with…

New Firmware for the Odyssey 7Q+
Doin’ the HDMI-DownRes-ProRes Shuffle… Convergent Design’s Odyssey 7Q+ firmware version 5.10.100 includes the ability to take in a 2160P (4K…

A Les Blank Film Premiere… Just 42 Years Late
The late documentary filmmaker Les Blank’s feature length bio-pic of Leon Russell, A Poem is a Naked Person, premiered Monday…

ISO: What Works for You
Since the beginning of film, cinematographers have sought to assign their own speed ratings to film. The same is now…

ISO: Is It Really What You Think It Is?
Does a camera’s ISO setting actually represent reality? Maybe. Here’s a way to test it using a gray card and…

ISO: The Standard that Doesn’t Really Exist
Ever wonder why cameras with the same ISO can look so different? Yeah, me too. There’s no easy answer as…

DCS Lighting Technology Event Saturday, 21 March, in Burbank
[Update 23 March: event coverage at Sound & Picture.] The Digital Cinema Society is having its annual Lighting Technology Event in…

Review: Canon Cinema EOS C100 Mark II
I’ve owned a Canon EOS C100 since January 2013. Over the past two years I’ve shot a feature film, client…